
They only way to make up for this mistake is replacing the school's P.E. uniforms with Patriots hoodies...

I hope he at least does the roundhouse.

@JohnnyricoMC: True, I just found Bungie's to be the worst of the bunch.

@SmurffNationn: "From Kidshealth.org: The percentage of overweight children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate, with 1 out of 3 kids now considered overweight or obese.

Once you go black, you never go back...to a 21% sales decline.

@Jellopnik: Yes, there are exceptions to every rule, but the majority of kids would rather sit and watch TV or play a video game over physical activity. Do some research. Til then, I'll spout that idea like Moby Dick (pre-harpoon).

I'm not playing it until "5 Minute MMORPG: Quicklysm" comes out.

@miquonranger03: In some areas, yes, but the statistics speak for a majority of our nation, and a majority of our nation is not in poverty.

Not sure what you expect in this situation. Playing a video game on your DS is much more enjoyable than physical activity. It's sad, but true. Also, if there is anyone to blame, it is the parent. If they want their kid to not play video games at the park, tell your kid to leave it at home. The parents enjoy the

In protest, I am only using my Humping Dog USB drive for my XBOX.

Check out the [bungie.net] forums. My god I have never seen so many whiny, pathetic kids. Constructive criticism is one thing, but seriously...enough of the "OMG BUNGIE REACH SUX IM NEVER PLAYING A HALO GAME AGAIN AND IM SELLING MY XBOX TO BUY A WII"

Reminds me of my favorite Threadless shirt I've purchased.

Would have been a better cover if they photoshopped a baby strapped to his chest.

This doesn't surprise me...you all know the saying,

Harrison Ford as Drake. I don't care how old he is. He would be perfect.

EA Sports definitely gets a red card for this.

This game looks absolutely horrendous. Why someone would buy it over Madden is beyond me. I'd rather pay someone $60 to punch me in the face than buy this and spend 5 hours deciding what color kneepads the "New York Cabbies" will be wearing (Yellow and black obv).

Sorry, but the "Out of the map" glitches have always seemed so lame to me. If you could actually hit someone from there, fine, but most of the time you just run round a large area full of nothing. Why are people so fascinated with that?

Sheesh, the least they could do is get him the black one.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: I wonder why not RB switch grenades and B melee?