
It just seems like it’s going to be much more expensive to fight this. Maybe the the club and dealership are banking the settlement will screw the other party.

How do you think he gets all those wonderful toys?

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Not the only ghost dog that commits murder.

No Alien Isolation?

I'd actually argue it was a very good mask if he won a lawsuit over likeness rights.😂

Is this left over ThinkGeek inventory?

Yeah you can ser people standing around it, the "pit" is at about knee level.  I feel like these are supposed to have one of those thick gymnastic mats under the foam and the foam is not the primary safety feature.

That’s the first time I’ve seen the video, and I had thought that she went through the foam and hit the floor but it looks like she actually just landed right on top of the foam.

I’m not sure what the news is here. Did they present this as having been mapped with some kind of leg input device or something? I just assumed it was animated from the start.

I just didn’t think there would be this much overlap between people who remember any of those old school McDonald’s characters and people who know what the fuck a cactus plant flea market is.

Nothing can stop The Grimace

Smoked tail lights, overstretched tires, dicking with the suspension for just for cosmetic effect, disabling EV safety noises.

I only remember buying this game because I thought it would be full sweet animated cutscenes and then there were like four.

Played Zelda once or twice, living in a horders paradise.


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Full video without having to dig through news footage.

Every piece of media or idea you’ve ever seen has been inspired by, remade, or copied from something before it. Even your comment is just a lazy recycle of someone else's idea.  So you know, get over it.

Man, tell me about it, I loved that show.

I don't think it sucks, it is quite possibly the best delivery guy simulator ever made.  But, but, buuuuy, it's buried in layers and layers of Kojima wackiness.

You forgot the part where the requirement for the early warning fetuses to work is that their mothers are brain-dead. And after about a year the Bridge Babies stop working and I guess they just flush em or something and get a new one.