
I mean, when a bunch of adults go and buy a dozen happy meals a piece for the prize, supplies are probably going to run out fast.

Back in the Windows 3.1/Windows 98 days I had a little sheep that would wander around my desktop.  You could pick them up and clone them and they would walk on open windows and fall off.

The “Previously on...” catch you up movie in the beginning was actually great, best one of those I’ve seen in a game.

I’m playing it on a PS4 and I had a similar issue, also had the same problem with the first one. I get overwhelmed, I think it’s just so visually dense my eyes have trouble knowing where to focus. I don’t have an issue like this with any other game. Ghost of Tsushima is also gorgeous but it’s color palette seems more

I guess but if you doxx your neighbor you doxx yourself, so that's mutually assured destruction.

And the sequel "I can't believe this is happening again!!!"

Well That Just Happened:  The Game

I knew it was a thing, but I didn't know it had launched.  I saw zero marketing for this.  Obviously no ones going to play the games you didn't tell them you're selling.

I really liked Infinite Warfare.  

I’m not sure of the specifics but they’ll basically write it off as a loss. The issue there for fans is after writing it off it can never be monetized, so can never be released in a way WB could profit from.

How can anyone’s face be that bloated and red. He must just be constantly having heart attacks, only stays alive out of spite.

That’s some poor trigger discipline. 

I keep getting excited about then forgetting about Beyond Good and Evil 2.

I've mostly liked Castlevania, but there is just something about the audio for the dialogue that really bothers me.

Yes as soon as I saw it was 40$ I lost all interest.

Pretty sure most car manufacturers still use clay models.

Maybe between blaming video game violence for real violence and complaining about any kind of censorship in video games self or otherwise their heads will just explode.

I think last year or the year before the license was up for renewal, and one of the big things came out of that was a deal that allowed for the original Japanese sources for Robotech to get US releases, and for Robotech to get released in Japan.

The behind the scenes legal wrangling behind Robotech is fascinating. Harmony Gold’s world wide license for the original properties that let them make Robotech was recently up for renewal and it was an open question as to whether or not that would happen and what would happen if the license was canceled.  The youtube

Multiplayer not so much, realistically you arent going to host those servers forever.  But standalone DLC shouldn’t really ever get turned off if it doesn’t have a multiplayer or online requirement. Sounds like these games all have DLC that’s purchased entirely from within the game, and it's all hosted from the game