It’s too easy in this country to get a mustang. These cars aren’t meant to drive, they’re for killing as many pedestrians as possible, we need stronger vetting to ensure these don’t fall into the hands of “mustang drivers....”
Sorry but I just need to vent. If I see one more news story on this where they neglect to mention that this attack was directed at a Gay Nightclub, I might scream. So many news shows are clearly avoiding the fact that it was directed at the LGTQI community and is a hate crime. They keep saying “Nightclub” and that’s…
Why do they deserve a second chance? so they can do it again?
This is stupid. When you cheat, you damage the experience of the legitimate players. If you are using a third party program to cheat it wasn’t an “accident” or a “mistake”, you were TRYING to CHEAT. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
Yep its called breaking the TOS that you sign when you start up the game, which obviously they will update. More companies should start doing this, fuck a refund if you feel the need to spend $60 bucks on a game to cheat then thats on you....Nobody feels sorry for these fucksticks
I love this new mentality (overwatch did it first) - if you are upset because you get banned for cheating, stop cheating you big dirty baby. Although I wonder is it too late for the Division?
Really guys... Gawker media has a contract with Facebook to push live streams. Fine I understand. But how come you guys have not had a memo of some kind as far as vertical videos are concerned????
No fair, they didn’t test the Mustang in real-world conditions.
Alternate Headline
If you had any idea how badly tech giants treat their workers maybe you’d rethink your statement about this not being the 1930s.
Somewhere Barbaro is looking down on this race and still not comprehending any of this, because he is a horse.
I quit watching horse races about 10 years ago. I see no reason that it needs to be an industry.
IMO, it looks like the truck couldn’t “let it go” and pressed the matter. the drink was after they were both about to drive away, and the lady decided she had to get the last word in. The escalation was 90% the trucks doing.
I am shocked someone in this video is fat.
“Donnybrook” and “big fleshpile” used in the same clip. Wonderful.
He didn’t Czech himself and thus wrecked himself.
When I was writing for one of the big national magazines, one of my fellow writers spun a Lambo off a test track in Italy and slid almost perfectly sideways into a wall, basically exploding the whole side of the car and leaving it a total loss. The PR guy from the factory, who saw the whole thing, said something about…