
Unprofessional and damage to institutions is 100% who just got sworn in today, so your high horse is actually one of those tiny midget horses. With tiny hooves. And an orangish wispy mane.

Comparing crowds on property that is managed by the NPS is NOT a “shitpost”. Trumplethinskin strikes again.

Show us the damage to the National Park Service.

fave joke thus far:

I’m seriously wondering how appointing the worst person possible for every position is going to make America great again.

Unless a law was passed prohibiting Shkreli’s twitter usage this is not a 1st amendment issue, this is a company turning off a microphone THEY own when you start using it to harass someone.

It’s tragic that a family lost a child. But the fault clearly lies with the person that was driving and using FaceTime simultaneously. He/She deserves punishment for what they did, and what they’ve made this family go through.


Oh... you’ll shut down Metro? Well the joke’s on you, pal. It’s the Metro. And we haven’t done repairs in 40 years. And it’s winter.

Not found at COTA. But, here is my very own North American Carpet Otter:

“We think you’re shittier than Florida” is about the strongest burn I’ve ever heard of.

“They won’t take the risk to exhibit their free speech in a way that places their circumstance in jeopardy, so let them get out of uniform and do their protesting on somebody else’s nickel,” he said.

Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.

This shit is no doubt stupid.

There used to be a day, not all that long ago, when politicians would cave when you took money away.

Gawker rose to prominence on the back of an app that made it possible to stalk celebrities. They traded in gossip, innuendo, and tabloid journalism. They did anything and everything for clicks and ad revenue, including outing private citizens and publishing sex tapes.

I’m surprised how many commenters who apparently read gawker media posts don’t understand why the deletion of such articles would matter.

... perhaps some of us realize that you dont piss in the flower pot of someone who just rescued your ass from being shut down completely.

They had to have seen this coming. Those posts are what bankrupted the former gawker media group. What was the definition of insanity again?

I am not defending Univision’s actions because we will NEVER have the whole truth about the subject but these “Gawker is innocent guys! Come on! Stop picking on me!!!” posts have to stop. It’s embarrassing. You deal in smut, you eventually get repercussions. Let Gawker die please. Find a way to channel all this crap