
And they need to bring back the wagon. My 2011 WRX was totaled in Harvey, I got the insurance payout, and that money is still sitting in the bank. I haven’t bothered buying another one because I don’t like the new sedans and finding a used wagon that hasn’t been modified by some flat-billed dude-bro takes too much

You mean their losses call.

They’ve been working on it since 2012, not for 2-3 years. And there’s a bunch of companies in China and India that have done it recently, and Ford did it without the benefit of being able to hire people that knew how to design and build cars from other companies. No one’s done it in the U.S. because the market is

No, and this is a problem.

Here are some less dark pictures.

That was just a picture of the mug itself in a tweet. That’s fine. It’s when the art from the mug was reproduced and used without attribution in contexts for Tesla’s use (UI, promos for hidden features, etc) that the issue arises.

We can acknowledge accomplishments while still pointing out when someone is being a dick.

“Good tires,” Bob mused while casually lighting a cigarette, “but certainly not great tires.”

see my reply to your original question. Lower tariffs allow us to buy more stuff, fueling the economy. I made a couple really long posts about this a few months ago related to trade deficits and why they don’t hurt us that I’m not going to retype, but the bottom line is that, with the largest economy in the world, we

In general, most western countries had about equal tariffs on average across all their imports- Europe might have a higher tariff on cars, but a low tariff on some other good. As a total average, I’ve read it was 1-2% for all countries.

Maybe conservative media isn’t the best source of information on what liberals actually think. Their whole goal is to put up strawmen and distort the views of liberals to make you hate them.

I thought republicans were supposed to be in favor of free trade? I thought republicans were supposed to be in favor of limited government? I thought republicans were supposed to be the party of family values & morals? And on & on & on.

Any ‘liberal’ hypocrisy you can find is always there in conservative politics many

Better than an ignorant, piece of crap commentator.

I’ve always thought that the modern NSX is the Audi R8 V8 with a manual

America is now being run by the “church on Sunday, stuff a nerd in a tuba case on Monday” crowd.

You crash one Corvette pace car and all of a sudden you’re stuck in a Cadillac.

Did they have to specify “Harley Davidson Museum”? Isn’t the whole company basically a museum at this point?

“The bicycles were intended to introduce young riders to the Harley-Davidson brand and were styled to look like the company’s motorcycles.“

The last thing we need is *another* branch. Frankly we need to fold the coast guard and move all of their operations under the Navy; the services, though they hold different operational mandates, are highly duplicative in their readiness and materials requirements, traning pathways and programs, etc.