
On the tariff thing: Just fuck off.

You mean licensed, taxed, plated, and regulated machines? Generally operated by licensed, insured drivers? Let’s step that up with guns and then it’s a conversation.

very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.

Oh, the crocodile tears! GTFO with your faux concern bullshit. Jobs are phased out all the time just so some executives can have a bigger bonus. The pursuit of equality is actually a good reason.

This is a compromise I can live with, honestly. Better one step forward than none at all. And while I’d still probably prefer that the hottest thing on the grid be the cars, I can go for equal opportunity objectification. There’s worse things in the world.

It wouldn’t be hard to figure out which one. I can’t imagine there are that many Model 3's driving around the CR test track in central Connecticut. Tesla can probably GPS track every car they sell.

The trade deficit with China was always an issue (and will continue to be). Trump’s willingness to address it should be applauded. His methods, however, should not.

Without doing a damn thing except piss away 25% of the electricity you use due to charging inefficiency. When you’re looking at maybe two cents to charge your phone it’s no big deal, but when you’re paying several dollars a night to charge your car, it’ll add up quickly.

That’s been the right-wing plan all along, at least since Reagan. And it’s been working tremendously well.

I love all these companies complaining they ‘can’t find people’ when they’re still trying to pay the same wages they were paying 30 years ago.

That’s not far fetched, restrictive regulations help giant mega corporations and hurt small ones. That’s been known for a long time and why giant megacorps support regulation, so they don’t lose market share from a new competitor.

Just take away the right to drive for 3-4 years. That would be a world ender for most of them.

So basically Cadillac can trade in their showroom models?

If you buying an M3 to take to the drag strip youre doing it wrong.

There’s plenty of cobalt left, the real issue that production has become concentrated in the DRC. With the DRC being an ongoing catastrophe, this is causing worries in the supply chain with everything from uncertainties of continued production because of the constant conflict to the appalling working conditions in

It’s kind of amusing to see the Model 3 hype die down. A few people at work pre-ordered them, and at the time I told them it’ll be $50k+ to get range, AWD, and even basic options. They didn’t believe me and kept quoting that $35k price. And here we are... and none of them have said a word about the car since full

That 4cyl engine makes more torque than many older V8s as well. For example the 5.3l you’ll find in the older model Silverados many people will trade in for these trucks made 325lb-ft.

As if most truck owners actually use it as a truck.

Are ride-sharing companies all going to screw themselves out of business and we’ll all go back to cabs