
And I want to be very clear that I mean that, not just as a snarky internet comment. You should really evaluate and take inventory of your driving ability before you get behind the wheel of a car again.

The issue is that the sensors didn’t see her. Radar and lidar don’t care what color of clothes you are wearing. Yes, the guy should have been paying attention but the sensor package should have seen her with plenty of time to stop.

If you are unsure you could avoid a pedestrian on a lighted motorway when going 38 mph, you REALLY shouldn’t be on the road.

You mean, you want gun owners to be held LIABLE for their property!? Sounds like ur a dumb LIBREL who wants GUBERMENT in yer BISNESS. DONT TREAD ON ME GUBERMENT!

But then they have to own all the cars. That’s a lot of assets that no one is sharing with them.

LIDAR’s a laser-based radar that allows an autonomous vehicle to see the road.

I hope so. I’ve guided my kids with what would probably be considered very non-traditional advice. They have no student debt, live on their own and have spare time and money. Emphasize quality of life and don’t succumb to doing things a certain way because the generation before you did.

But all those precious XJs crushed... 😔

I wish I could give you more stars. Too many egos and self worth are tied to their paychecks. How much work and effort they put into their careers isn’t that special.

Totally works for me.

I had to say this twice, but Patrick can you make sure you have the “one second” part of the story right. This is very important. The article says:

Good luck finding a Dealer with a bunch of base Sparks, Fiestas, or Sentras. Yeah, they all start at around 12.5K but finding a new one under 13.5 or 14K is few and far between. And to be honest, since most Americans are keeping their cars longer than ever (avg car on the road is about 12yrs old), it makes sense that

But that doesn’t answer the actual question, does it? Again, hemorrhaging money. Every ride you take costs them money. Convenience is great but isn’t profitability the thing a company has to have?

They seem more like a pyramid scheme than a business. Remember when pets.com promised free shipping for everything and

Why? Just let the factory stuff sit as a back up system. If it has to intervene than that marks a failure of your system being tested. Collect data, make improvements and continue until the factory systems no longer have to save your ass from killing people.

This really is the worst argument. Before Tesla was around, nobody was making electric cars because “consumers don’t want them.” Consumers often have to be told what they want.

You would die if your Spitfire was T-boned like my nanny-state-safety-regulated minivan was a few years ago. 100% the other driver’s fault. (and if the dude didn’t see a MINIVAN in time to stop, you would have been invisible)

Every working body should have 4 weeks of vacation, minimum.

they don’t

There are cheap cars out there. A base Spark is only slightly more expensive than a Yugo would be in 2018 dollars, and is a vastly better car in pretty much every way.

What should they make? And why are you shitting on someone for making a good wage? Maybe you should be pissed you aren’t being paid more?