
Heated seats are like winter tires.

People who haven’t had them will INSIST they are COMPLETELY unnecessary, and entirely pointless.

People who have used them will fall in love, and never want a car without them ever again.

I have both of these things on my BRZ.

“will allow some of Uber’s earliest shareholders, including employees and venture capital firms like Benchmark and First Round, to cash out and receive what will prove to be a large payday.”

I think the car might be capable of the speed but I doubt most drivers can judge the distance they’re covering. I’d argue in the right conditions high speed is fine, but any more than 110-120 and you’re asking questions of the car’s tyres that you probably shouldn’t. Going 7/10's in a 911 Turbo makes some sort of

That’s kind of the problem. These cars were highly valued by we GenXers as well as the Boomers because the cars that were being made when we were young were pretty crappy.

So Trump essentially used an Isuzu truck as a wall?


AHA! Gotcha!!!!

1957 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser with the breezeway back window.

The way America is currently trying to reckon with its unspoken realities of abuses of power against racial, sexual and gender minorities…I wish gamers would have that sort of community soul seeking endeavor. Painful and violent and with gnashing of teeth though it may be, I think we owe it to ourselves and the world

The truth matters. I may not have left the party, but thats only because I can vote in the primaries to replace the incumbants. I’ve been fighting the lies for almost two decades among family and friends who started believing the most outrageous of them.

3rd Gear - Nobody is ever happy. Production has long been switching to automation, since it produces a repeatable product. The cycle times are consistent, the methods used to complete the task are consistent, they are available 24/7, they don’t show up hung-over or come in late or harass other workers. So now you have

Because I’ve lived around poverty in my life. These people need help, not your spite. Sorry you never matured emotionally to the level of empathy. I will benefit significantly from this bill (humblebrag). Poor/middle class people are going to die and live worse lives because of it. That’s my problem.

1 man private contractor here and the answer is uh NO, I am not getting a tax cut. The vast majority of us provide services and are therefor not eligible for the new rate. In fact in my case, my taxes are going up because I am getting fucked out most of my state tax write offs while getting a measly 2.9% decrease in

Because of stuff like Ryan saying they’re going to attack programs like Medicare/Medicaid, SS, and other “entitlements.” They already approved a defense spending bill that fucked up the budget and now further increased the deficit with this tax bill.

This is the dumbest jalop fear mongering there is. It’s a fucking car that hurdles down the road at 20-100+ miles per hour but you’re going to worry about a soapy car washes water source?

81.5mpg over 19 miles is child’s play, hell I’d get over 100mpg drafting trucks going down the continental divide, no joke. But when you can average 70mpg at about 70mph over 1445 miles, well then, now you’re talking.

And then refused to negotiate on his ridiculous prices.

Like some have said, I don’t necessarily feel bad for Ron.

I feel bad for those cars.

Also, it bugs me to no end when a seller says a vehicle “just needs XYZ” and it’ll be good to go. Sure, maybe if you’re talking about the bare minimum to get it onto a trailer without a winch. But that F250 flareside, which is

I feel like Jalopnik has been pushing really hard to get us to feel sorry for this guy, but it’s just not working. He’s clearly a hoarder, the land is a de-facto junk yard, he’s not preserving these vehicles in any meaningful way, and I have no issue with local governments stepping in here.

So BMW in celebration for rolling out 100,000 somewhat energy saving green electrified vehicles will light up a huge monument display of useless energy waste? ok. Unless it’s solar powered it makes no sense.

Exactly why it made Barris, Barris. It’s like that Jeff Goldblum quote from Jurassic Park where he said: “Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.” This was Barris’ approach to cars and I loved him for it growing up.