

At this point Lotus is just Marge Simpson resewing that Chanel dress.

This would be so much easier if you told us the geographic area where the buyer is shopping.

Trump’s understanding of how things work solidified in the late 70s when everyone was scared shitless over “Japan Inc” taking over everything including their thrashing of Detroit’s offerings. He thinks MAGA is returning to peak UAW employment of the 70s.

I drove M2/3/4s at an M track day a month or two back, all with the DCT. If I were shopping a new M car, I’d go for the DCT in a heartbeat. As computelectrified as everything else on the cars is, it makes no sense to keep the slower and more labor-intensive gearbox. Getting the DCT and then an E36 with three pedals

When I read “sedans are hot right now” I feel like I must’ve missed a really important article titled ATTENTION: SEDANS ARE HOT RIGHT NOW

The only American cars worth buying overseas is both the big pickup trucks and performance cars like the Ford Mustang.

My viewpoint would be that the government shouldn’t be encouraging personal behaviors with tax incentives. The tax credit only started in 1997 and has not encouraged the average American family to have more kids. In fact, the birth rate has decreased substantially from 14.4/thousand in 1996 to 12.5/thousand in 2015,

Not the partnership I would have gone with.

Which is exactly why so many industries like banking that have histories of exploiting consumers are falling all over themselves to force consumers into arbitration. Because it benefits consumers. Right.

1st Gear: It’s a race to the bottom with regards to worker’s rights, and now business owners have started handing out shovels.

The only true way to measure horsepower accurately is by putting your car in a tug-of-war against a team of actual horses, and counting how many horses it takes to break even.

Absolutely not, common parlance in places where the Queen’s English is still spoken. :)

A motorcycle COTD? We expect much of you today, $kay.

Weird that they would employ so many underage workers, especially in an environment where they might be exposed to “nudity, sexual scenarios, racial epithets, suggestive gestures, profanity and references to stereotypes.”

So agree. Never had an account and never will.

Some years ago I used to write manuals. I’m pretty sure their main purpose is to protect the environment from shrinkwrap by carrying it safely to the bottom of the garbage can.

There are rules, Mosca! If you’re in public and the anthem plays, you drop everything and stand. Unless you see that the beer line finally cleared up, and this is your best time to grab a cold one. Then you get that ice cold refreshment that only Budweiser can provide. I believe they still have the flag on the bottle,

You know, unless you stand for the national anthem in your living room, and put your hand over your heart and sing, I don’t want to hear it. Because if you don’t, then that means the only reason you do it live at the games is because everyone else is doing it. Not because you are overcome with patriotism. And that
