
Hey, I have a wild idea for how to kill a dragon...giant fucking crossbow! Wait, another wild idea for how to cure greyscale...pull the scales off! Just a treasure trove of deep, nuanced writing so far this season.

No, the orbital ephemeris (not just a location, but parameters that allow it to predict the orbit) of the entire satellite constellation is included about once every 30 seconds. The receiver must be able to predict the location of each satellite to millisecond accuracy in order to make sense of the time code for

Whoa there buddy, the show is amazing but it hasn’t told a better version of his story. It has told its version. It’s butchered many characters in the process. Sansa, Arya, Cersci, Dorne and Jamie just to name a few. Hell the show is probably going to butcher handling Jon’s parentage.

The shape might be doubtful, but I grudgingly admire their use of colour. Because when I see the pic, I go “eeeeewwwwww.... uh, hmn... actually... oh. That’s quite nice. You can have “black and white photo” and “weird submarine” and in the middle it’s “two blues that should look yucky but the shapes that separate

Came here to say the same, I think it’s supposed to be “Don’t travel or put your privacy at risk...”

It was a BOOK first!

Get off my continental shelf!

Lithium can also be extracted from salt water...and there’s quite a bit of that available.

I think the average person doesn’t get just how large the automotive supply chain really is. The thought is “oh that car is a Ford, it’s made by Ford employees duh”. That’s probably not even a third of it. Jobs add up. I can guarantee that you live within 15-20 miles of a plant that manufactures some automotive part,

You know what would help bring jobs back to the US,s top giving tax breaks and incentives to companies to move over seas. Do the opposite, tax them so that they are paying the same no matter where they operate, if they have workers overseas making $1 an hour and here they would have to pay $15 and hour, tax them the

Why the gofundme? Did they really fail to insure that car? If the car was properly insured (I would be surprised if it wasn’t), then asking for donations when it’s already covered just seems like capitalizing on their son’s condition.

I don’t know if I can agree with that. Companies cheat all the time, be it on regulations, building specifications, materials usage, data cleaning, etc. The problem isn’t that there are rules to be broken, it’s breaking those agreed upon rules.

Or, as a counterpoint, companies are too concerned with profit margins and not concerned enough with the spirit of those regulations, preserving and minimizing the damage to our planet.

He’s not talking about negotiations, he’s talking about deceptive tactics to make someone feel like what they haven’t isn’t authentic, isn’t the real deal, or otherwise isn’t worth what their research said it was.

They reached some impressive sizes before being driven extinct (probably by humans). If they had had enough time, maybe they could have developed into giant t rex sized birdosaurs.

Just like the blue states fund the red States, NYC funds the rest of NY.

Another example of how having money does not correlate to having brains.

My windshield wipers are dull so I moved to Syria.

Neutral: No, the whole premise of automobiles is not environmentally friendly. Think about all the harm our infrastructure does to the environment, whether it is clear cutting land for roads, salting in the winter, all the tire wear left on said roads, mining for resources to make such cars, let alone the materials

My father once bought a two month old Chevy Silverado from a guy who decided that he didn’t like the color after all, and wanted the same model in a different one. Some people have too much money.