
I’d say libeling a former president would count.

More like Shee-ron (the “on” part said like the on in don’t, but without the ‘t part)

Yeah, I hate this idea. I would never recommend to someone else a show/movie that I would only give three stars. There is only so much time in the world so I only recommend stuff that I really like. Which means that I won’t be rating anything that would get a 3 star rating, which means the system will be far less

Netflix should forget about ratings entirely and just go off behavior. That’s far more honest and less likely to be influenced by societal pressure or self image.

Fuck ‘Real America’. I grew up there, it continues to exist largely because of massive federal wealth redistribution programs that take tax money from the coastal (and a couple mid-western) states and distributes it to ‘Real America’.

No, the government’s primary duty is to “(F)orm a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. Providing for the common defense is one of the primary duties, along

I would contend that the budgetary considerations for a manufacturer are considerably different from the budgetary considerations for a regulatory government agency, since they have completely different structures, mandates, incomes, and reasons for existing in the first place. The EPA doesn’t make widgets and they’re

No, Z3 is crap. M-convertible is NOT Z3, they are as different as chalk and cheese.

As an American who lives in Europe, I’ve long been bewildered by U.S. defense spending. Looking at the general budget breakdown, it seems that paranoid madmen are deciding where money is being spent. Of course, with the current crop of politicians in power, that’s not too far off—but this has been the case for

The point being made is that there was not an actual ozone hole.

You’re outlining exactly the difference between the ozone hole and global warming.

You went to the pits?!

I’ve been called a “libtard” and a slew of other insults for years, way before this election cycle. Sounds like those people need to grow one of those “thick skins” they’re always talking about and stop being a “snowflake” and get out of their “safe spaces”.

Damn. I forgot how gorgeous that Lambo was. So sad.

I don’t know about that, but Arch Duke meant the actual race. Up until the early 70s the cars ran together. As in, the races happen at the same time, in the same track. F1 cars had to lap slower F2 cars, and I’m pretty sure there were drivers running both series throughout the season, as well as teams competing in

That’s an utter bullshit argument.

I’ll watch that shit show.

I thought it was just me. I never use cruise control in daily driving because it makes me feel complacent.

I closed it quickly as well. Not because of the lyrics; because it was hot garbage.

Why do people join HOAs?

Honest question, I’ve never heard of *any* good reason to be part of one; they just seem like you’re agreeing to give control over what you can and can’t do on your property to the worst bored old-lady busybody stereotypes.