
thoughts are you dont really understand commodities and how they are sold.

Don’t kid yourself, the CISO while important, has little to do with daily cyber security operations at the white house. You have a contractor (in addition to several agencies) whose handled that for quite some time. You don’t want to leave the post open indefinitely, but let’s not pretend like this is the equivalent

Some countries used to tax based on displacement, hence those weird Italian tax dodge cars with 2 litre V6 turbos. But remember that before petrol turbos were common, equivalent diesels in the product range were often larger displacement. On the other hand, France used to tax by horsepower (CV) which would benefit

It varies from country to country. Norway isn’t in the EU, but we used to have a displacement and power output tax. Now it’s CO2 and curb weight. A Caddilac Escalade will set you back $250k, but nobody buys those.

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

Considering Trump was all about saying how he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, won’t do drugs, etc. it’s strange that his closest adviser is clearly an alcoholic.

You are insane. The second gen was far the best looker. Woof.

Thanks Newegg.com for your order history section that never forgets!

Trump never campaigned on capitalism. He campaigned on picking economic winners and losers and economic populism. He and Pence also took money out o the pockets of Indiana taxpayers and gave it to Carrier. It’s called crony capitalism, has been around for a while, and Trump will kick it into high gear by using his

Just link it next time, dipshit.

The final talley was 690,114 cars scrapped out of 253 million cars in the US. So about 0.3% of all cars were scrapped under the program. Every year nearly 40 million used cars trade hands so cash for clunkers represented about 2% of all used car sales. I question whether it had that much impact.

I recognize the design limitation of working to only replace the hatch component, but with all the lateral real estate available behind the rear fender intake ducts, if they went with some flying buttress goodness, they could have freed themselves from the aesthetic need to continue the lines of the cabin area.

It makes sense due to the cost of repairs, but it’s always funny when you stop to think about it. The OEM builds the ENTIRE car, ships it out to a dealership, and sells it for a profit, but repairing two or three broken/damaged parts at your local shop can wind up costing more than the entire car is worth.

I did a rewatch of all of Star Trek over the last year. The unbelievably crisp TNG remaster really spoils you quickly when you move into DS9 episodes and you’re suddenly met with that blurry 90s video look. It’s gutting that they won’t be getting the similar treatment, but it sounds like TNG was a crazy anomaly.

What the hell is Fascist Left? Unless you don’t know what fascist means.

1. Uber CEO is on council. Everyone starts deleting their accounts.

My daughter was considering following my footsteps and joining the Marines pre-election.

I have similar issues, mine involving the bending of the wrist - someone else mentioned using dumbbells - which really helped me too. Someone at my work gave me a set of these handle things, which basically do the same type of thing, keeping your wrist straighter. They seem to work pretty well, your mileage may vary

Personally I think it’s a little more ... .well-directed than that.

Hoo boy.