My dad has to do the same thing with his Shih Tzu. My Lab/Boxer has a fat enough meat head that his collar doesn’t come off. My Roommate’s pug can back out of his collar, but he’s old, slow, and doesn’t run off anyway.
My dad has to do the same thing with his Shih Tzu. My Lab/Boxer has a fat enough meat head that his collar doesn’t come off. My Roommate’s pug can back out of his collar, but he’s old, slow, and doesn’t run off anyway.
Pretty sure that’s a crossover, bro.
I have never wanted to be a politician, I only wanted to be a scientist, but dammit, things like this make me wonder if I could get into politics. We have science idiots governing our country’s science programs.
Wow Cuomo is linked to yet another corruption scheme. What a shock. /sarcasm.
I’d argue that The Daily Show, after Stewart took over and started pushing political opinions through it, is also propaganda. That’s why I grew to hate The Daily Show. Because Jon Stewart wanted to make poignant commentary on political stuff, and then when pressed he would revert to “It’s a fake news show!” You can’t…
A v8 will fit apparently, so I would say that the cobalt SS engine should fit.. but while you’re at it, why not take a newer LDK over an LNF and have a stronger and newer generation block to start with?
They took the American redneck thing too over the top, I think. I have no problem with an American redneck caricature, especially since they’re using a NASCAR driver. They can’t use the Stig or a Stig-like driver, so they have to do something different. As an American myself I love it when those guys poke fun at us.…
For me it was jobs like that that made me want to work really hard to get into college, hopefully get scholarship, and get a degree to get a job that meant I’d never have to have one like detasselling, setting clay traps at the sportsman’s club, serving pizza, or working at Hardee’s ever again. And it worked.
It has to do with the fact that Nike is publicly traded, investors want to squeeze every last fraction of a cent of profit out of the company and give exactly zero f*cks about the American workforce or anything else that doesn’t have a direct correlation to the bottom line.
The 996 911 turbo is already pretty quick but Josh decided to make it even faster by purchasing the Cobb Tuning Accessport Stage 2 tune for about $1000 which gives his car—wait for it—485 hp and 539 lb-ft of torque to the wheels. That’s a significant increase over the stock output of 415 hp and 415 lb-ft of torque (a…
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
This confirms Jalopnik staff can always find something to whine about.
As awesome as the car’s acceleration aside it also points out the key factor of being aware of your surroundings while driving, including what’s behind you.
How could it possibly be perceived as a win for him? He took literally no concrete action to do anything because he doesn’t actually wield any power until he’s sworn in.
And even so, UAW agreements have locked in these jobs anyway. If there’s anybody to credit for keeping production around it’s unions.
Heaven for-fucking-bid that an automotive blog get out in front of a political story that is directly at the heart of the American automotive industry and which they can talk about with knowledge, depth, and most importantly, specific knowledge of models, plants, and a history of tracking where vehicles are slated to…
Politics is intertwined with everything. The more you ignore it the more likely you are to be sold a lie and left behind while the folks at the top make away like bandits.