
that’s pretty much garbage. yeah, some people torrent just to grab media and never spend any money, but a large percentage spend money BECAUSE of torrents. discovering new artists leads to buying albums, mercy and seeing shows. some albums simply aren’t available (out of print, limited release, only released on vinyl

I’ve done my part. My last 3 new car purchases were manuals. I’ve released two back into the wild.

It’s true, everyone always yells at people for the manuals dying yet they turn around and say “buying cars new is a waste of money, just buy a used manual diesel station wagon” even though they don’t exist because nobody buys them new. If everyone is truly about “saving the manuals” they should do their part and buy a

You want a manual?
Stop looking for cheap used interesting “Jalop” cars and buy them new!

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

If they find out, I hope they let me know, because I have a hard enough time assisting my clients who are LPRs get assistance, let alone undocumented immigrants. Hell, it’s difficult enough obtaining benefits when you’re a citizen. I have a hearing Thursday for a SNAP denial.

Let’s start over. I don’t assume you’re dumb. And level headed people can discern whenever reputable news sources are trying to spin certain things to fit agendas and think for themselves.

I’m calling bullshit. Not because cell phones - including iPhones - can’t explode. Any lithium battery can go into thermal runaway and burn up. But probably not in this case.

Jeb! And Clinton and every other candidate had a twitter account and nobody gave a shit. Hillary had to have a committee of people spending days going back and forth trying to decide on how to phrase every syllable on her twitter account.

I want to go as fast as conditions safely allow, irrespective of the posted limit, without fear of persecution by the police. I bet we don’t have that opinion in common. A problem I have with the Police is that the often enforce the law, even when that isn’t reasonable, right, or good.

Most of the country knew this would happen. Anyone who ever left the cities and realized how different that world is knows. Have you ever lived in a small town? Seriously, take a year and go live in some tiny town if you want to understand the country, be aware it is terrible in every way.

2nd Gear: Honda’s Gonna Make More Big Cars

Not exactly. There are a lot of systemic reasons behind it. What neither party will admit to them is that those jobs ARE gone, and they will NOT be coming back. The massive cultural shift towards urban centers is not likely to reverse, and the “middle America” way of life will likely die out or be greatly reduced. Our

I feel your pain and anger, but the real culprits are the dems that stayed home this year, not “the deplorables” and their terrible sources of propaganda.

VERY well said. Also, I’d point to the many recent articles that have been written, which talk about how systemic discrimmination varies from single acts of prejudice. In those rare events when a white ‘privileged’ man is confronted by genuine prejudice, he can still take comfort in the fact that it’s just the

I’m in NZ. The Dominion Post (our paper) had the headline of “WTF?” on a picture of Trump.

I am from Mississippi, and due to the oil industry tanking, a whole bunch of red necks with high school diplomas went from making all kinds of money and living king of the trailer park to being as dirt poor the rest of the white trash. That’s trump’s base. White, pissed off early 30/late 20 something men and their

Agree. Note that I’m also talking about discussion threads about soccer and rally cars and other less weighty subjects (well, soccer is as important as politics, but other topics). It is quite amazing considering what we’ve seen in the last 36 hours that such a discussion on any of these sites can maintain such

Hi Jeremiah. Let me try to explain this to you, as someone who is also white, and male, as best I can.

I disagree with the generalization of people. I’m independent in the sense that I don’t full support either party, and vote with who I think can best get the job done. While I don’t like Hillary and agree that the democrats ruined their party and this election, I’m terrified what Trump will do in office along with a