
Seems to me like a bounty system would be appropriate here, something akin to the whistle-blower rewards for turning in tax dodgers. If an individual or non-profit entity blows the whistle on an environmental or safety issue that results in fines for carkmakers, some portion of it should go to said group/person.

reader A.mcgee9-3 came up with the perfect term to describe things inside, whether you like Alcantara or not

“Surely there’s a reason this isn’t MY fault.”

To rebut your reply...

Yeah! Who needs a catalytic converter? Or unleaded gasoline for that matter? If the gosh darn gubment would stop taking away our freedom to breathe poison, we’d be allowed to drive around our Aryan oil burners!

“the Android phone”. so specific. have they tried using a Nexus 6p? Doubt it. Has nothing to do with any Android phone. Sounds more like a deal between liberal Apple and the liberal government to me. What a load of crap. I personally do not want my taxes going to a company sheltering billions of dollars offshore. “The

The vise grips aren’t on the shortest path through the circuit. They’re holding the wires directly against the nail, so the shortest path between the wires is through the nail. Passing through the vise grips would be taking the scenic route.

The data doesn’t exactly support that. Baby boomers are roughly between 1945 to 1964. In 1965, the average age to have kids was roughly 25 years old, meaning the earliest Baby Boomers would have been making kids around 1970 or so. So the first wave of Baby Boomers started having kids during what’s known as Gen-X. The

You are right. As a 36-yr old (tail end of X), I was like 18 when Pokemon arrived in the US. It was a game/cartoon for 8 yr olds. I didn’t know a single person who played it, and still don’t know anyone my age group that plays/follows it.

You made me Google Charmander. Fuck you.

Well, generally only idiot own boats and have 6+ kids.



As an engaging and fun car to drive, the Fit is a turd. As a reliable, efficient, and moderately comfortable hatchback with a stupid amount of cargo space, it excels. Source: I own one.

I agree with you that all genders/races should be able to tap into and experience a love of speed, as you called it. I don’t agree that all individual car cultures need to be celebrated by everyone however. I personally like canyon/track/race driving. I don’t need to like the Sideshows of my local Oakland simply

Yes, yes. Eddie Jordan does an excellent job representing the old gentleman with purple shoes demographic! :D

Am I the only one who is ‘meh’ on drifting?

More like that amazing girl in college you did piles of blow with, but she couldn’t be honest about a damn thing and had a dramatic episode every other week.