
This is such a nebulous, meaningless argument in the context of the article. The fact is: if you want companies to make enthusiast cars, but those cars new. If no one buys it new and there’s a short supply on the used market, obviously it’s going to make it appear demand is much higher and drive up resale. But the new

This is such a weird way of trying to show that your used car purchase should drive new car manufacturing. You know what numbers matter most? New car sales. They get reported on and analyzed to death. A new car purchase that supports the enthusiast “wants” matters exponentially more than a used car purchase that may

Oh fuck right off. You can say “hey, we should rely more on clean energy” without building a wind farm in your back yard.

Well, that and they seem to be at the ass crack of dawn way out in the burbs. Ive been to Atlanta’s once, it was OK. Decided it wasnt worth getting up again.

All of the white people are women... so it’s OK.

Do people actually read this lol

as always tl:dr

Someone more skilled at photo-editing could do a better job, but even my shitty ‘shop looks better. It’s not that it needs a grille, it just needs to lose the “look, I don’t have a grille” fascia.

Actually, I think Google says your content belongs to you. And other than allowing them to use content for advertising their product (in this case Tilt Brush), the rights remain yours. In other words... if you create a work of art, Google might want to use that art in their advertising (derivative art). But outside of

Agreed, back when I was salivating for one of these, when the FB news broke, it changed it from 0-day purchase to a, let’s wait a bit and see purchase. Of course the price and the long wait made the point moot.

You know, this is precisely why I ruled out buying this thing once I saw Facebook (otherwise known as the place where privacy goes to die) bought it. Think about the kind of data this system has to collect to be useful. And while I’ve thought about it off and on for the last few months, the TOS is a nightmare made

Yup. Just look at how buildings in the south were constructed prior to AC and now. They used to use large overhangs, breezeways, high windows and other means to keep air flowing and solar heat off. Now, they just build a box with windows and crank up the AC.

Twitter never had a clear path to monetization. There are plenty of examples of companies making money from selling cars.

Exactly, motorcycles do not have blind spots. On a bike, you only have to worry about being in other people’s blind spots. Build me a system that broadcasts my presence to surrounding traffic instead.

I though bikes should be more worried about being in other vehicles blindspot. Cause really, is this even necessary with 100 visibility in all directions?

Isn’t this a little unnecessary?

Apparently it’s amazing. Multimac car seat system for 3 or 4 children and even adults can fit. Each seat can be equipped with any of the different options for different aged kids. 4-point harnesses even for older kids! Well tested and can be custom upholstered too. Completely legal in Europe at least, including the

some sense? I’m a die-hard manual driver, but tell me why you would need a stick in a car with ONLY ONE FORWARD GEAR?

I mean, like you said GM was the very fist major company to work with EV cars.

Please everyone do not drive around with your dogs not strapped in. If you have to slam on the brakes your precious cargo will go straight into the windshield. There are lots of harnesses that are specifically made to keep the pooches secure in the car.