Where do we put hot shots and top secret? I tend to lump them in with naked gun and airplane! And consider them the last “good” farse movies.
Where do we put hot shots and top secret? I tend to lump them in with naked gun and airplane! And consider them the last “good” farse movies.
This falls into the “why do people give teens the keys to a fast car?” category.
Is it just my city or do morons stand in the road looking for the bus everywhere? I’ve seen two people get hit doing that shit in the last year. And I still have zero clue why people do it, seeing the bus coming does not make it get to the stop sooner.
Except malls are dying off faster than the sedan.
Supply is also very high though. There’s no shortage of product.
Wife’s Uncle openly admits he has no intention of ever lifting his hard tonneau cover. He’s somehow proud of his entirely for show pickup.
With the content of today’s gears (and the piece this morning on npr fresh in my head) I’m surprised there wasn’t one about the looming spectre of a fuel tax hike (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/economy/making-sense/column-why-its-time-to-raise-the-federal-gas-tax) ruining everyone’s truck fun.
Musk gets pissy with short sellers.
A million per year puts you in the 1%
I did the prepurchase inspection on my TTS by visiting the dealer that serviced it for the previous owner. They remembered the car as it needed a new (20") wheel and well liner after a pot hole strike.
Im totally on your team here. I should be able to twist a filter off without tools!
It’s hard out there for a pipe layer.
We’re still measuring in Camry’s? I thought the F150 has been in P1 long enough to make the Camcord an outdated metric.
Trend setters... Remember, the news says it won’t be long before all manual drive sports cars are track only.
There was a 4cyl Camaro article a couple weeks ago... 🤔
He should really be called “Donald Trump’s Consigliere” rather than “lawyer”.
You know they are already artificially cheaper right? Rides are heavily subsidized by burning VC cash.
EU labor makes it feel more “premium”.
You can’t have a majority without a minority opinion. But it’s plain that we’re all outliers now. The majority doesn’t want low riders anymore.