
Yeah right buddy... Only worth it if it comes with a McLaren F1 attached.

Yeah 100% is an unnecessary target... But Haas does maybe 10% at best.

Where do I get a new transmission for $200?

On a tangent of the fairer ideal:

The current EPA administrator is certainly ethically bankrupt and filling the agency with self dealing corruption. But how is the agency historically some sort of “money graber”?

2000? How long is this lifetime you speak of. The bad smog era was the 70's and 80's.

Sheesh... this is beyond silly now.

This sounds like one of the side effects of people buying shitty tires and then running them too long.

Toyota will be happy to have someone to play with. Finally winning Le Mans probably wasn’t go to be that exciting when they were in a class of 1.

~5o% of eligible voters don’t vote so he only got ~25% support. However if you look at it in real democracy terms:


Well yeah... Millions of dead people isn’t ever really a good policy position to take. But I wasn’t even talking about weapons dealing. Rebuilding 1/2 the world after we carpet bombed it created the boom of prosperity we enjoyed in the 50's and 60's.

WWII did work out pretty well for the USA.

From my perspective, Ford building domestic market cars in China and then shipping them here is ridiculous. We should all be happy if that doesn’t happen. But there has to be a better way to do that than trade waring.

Skips the briefing, no track inspection (checked thier www they have sighting laps after the briefing), and goes through the corner 9 other times without seeing that hazard outside the kerb? This guy is world class stupid and careless.

Enjoy your asthma.

Or where they live. Salted miles are the hardest miles.

They should regionalize these things when they do them. Nevada and Maine are different enough climates that they shouldn’t be lumped together.

While it would be great if we got a defacto registry based on record collection at the ATF, you’re ignoring the 250+ million guns already out there. Not great, plus creating a back door registry isnt how it’s supposed to be done. It would be open to attack in court and possible non compliance from states. We should be

Radios don’t work on I70?