
If he was less of a hoarder the car community could help him hit a couple months of quota by having a LeMons race populated entirely with his junkers. But he thinks everything is worth more than $500.

So he’d still rather send them to the scrap yard than take “low-ball offers”? Pretty dick move.

I got my MIL into an HRV for 22k ... The fat hatch market isn’t too bad. Though the popular midsize stuff is a bit overpriced. Subaru wanted 35k for a Forrester.

Tell the southern taker states to give us our tax money back then. We’re all in this dumpster fire together. We should learn to be Americans first and climb out of it together. This race to the bottom war between states is helping no one but big business.

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I would let this robot car drive me anywhere... that interior looks like a wonderful place to be.

I wish Germany hadn’t revoked his grandfather’s citizenship. Then we wouldn’t have his racist father’s stain on us either.

The top 3 best selling cars in America are full size pickups.

Facebook could do fact checking now if they wanted to, but that would probably cut profits. The truth has never been as profitable as fiction.

Ironically the gospels are fake news.

Are you aware that we bombed all of the factories in Europe during WWII. Then we gave them money to buy all of our stuff (Marshall plan) while they rebuilt. This magical mid century manufacturing boom you love so much was artificial and temporary by design.

Nice of them to include a trailer, must be the first McLaren to come with a tow package.

GT3, GTE, or GT500? They brought a race car without telling you where it’s racing!

“Inclusivenessis a conversation, not a monologue.”

Harris and Reid are great... Still not sold on Joey.

You’re never too young to read history.

HW wasn’t bad... But he was an anomaly. Ike Eisenhower was the last stand against the hard right take over.

You’re not far off. The GOP started down crazy avenue with McCarthy and Goldwater. Ike tried to pump the brakes but ultimately lost the fight against the hard right.

And they spent those two years foolishly trying to compromise with the party of no.

Wow, get this kid a 6' sandwich. Shaq is as big as he is tall so no one could run him over.

Remember when they were the progressive party trying to make the country better? (I’m not kidding either, Teddy Roosevelt and his contemporaries did a world of good) They lost thier way with McCarthy and Goldwater... it’s been downhill ever since.