
Fair enough... M5 v. P90D v. E63 AMG sounds like a proper comparison. As they have the same exterior and interior sizes, price tags and performance.

In Germany?

7-series price tag tho

A for Quirk

See HSBC, Experian, Wells Fargo, etc...

Just when I thought front wings couldn’t get more silly.

Wonder if the 500 abarth drivetrain fits in an X1/9.... Always liked the look of that more than the 914, but man they’re slow stock.

previous owner is probably in jail and someone stopped paying the locker fee

The penalty is extreme for sure, they’re obviously making an example of him to try and clean up payday lending, because as he says “this is standard for the industry”.

TILA requires lenders to avoid “Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts and Practices” (UDAAP violation).

Edit: Kinja put this in the wrong place

No I’m an engineer at the datacenter, I’m only versed on the financial laws because regulation requires every employee regardless of role to pass annual compliance training.

No, he absolutely broke the law. The truth in lending act to be specific.

Sorry Kristen, baby on board sticker actually has a purpose. The same one as the fire rescue sticker people put on a nursery window. When you crash badly it’s helpful for the EMS to know thier may be a small person hiding in the debris field that used to be your back seat.

My (very real) home defense swordis in the bedroom closet.

Why would anyone save cash when even a money market account isn’t beating inflation? The stock market is hot right now because it’s the only place you can park cash that gets a >3% return.

Just don’t breathe the vapors.

They never really went away for some debt. Plenty of people in jail for not being able to pay court fines and fees.

Be more afraid of variable rate student debt creeping up as the fed continues to raise prime rates. The loss of cheap auto financing I actually see as a good thing.