
Reminds me I need to get off my ass and drive the Dempster Highway before all the bears and glaciers go away.

Didn’t you hear? Owning a small business isn’t a job, it makes you a feudal lord.

Hmm.. my wife has talked me into my last two sports car purchases when I was waffling in the pre-purchase “I want this, but do I REALLY want this?” stage.

It’s the futurist version of planting a forest as a carbon offset.

Isn’t this the end goal of the spaceship one with Virgin Galactic?

Haha... Yeah. No.

Yeah, it sounds like he doesn’t know what his job is either.

More like he’s a hipster lettuce thief. “Kale-a-Nick”

I know the Trump administration is like a black hole causing severe time dilations... But when did it become 2028? It can’t be possible for this to be road legal. At any rate even though I love these cars the price is all ready rock.

This house will attract the Belmont clan...

Just the tip.

His MO is “do the opposite of Obama” so wouldn’t we just be going back to 8 years ago with “opposite Trumpster”?

Doesn’t Kushner’s penis intrinsically qualify him to oversee the tech sector? STEM aptitude is coded into the y chromosome after all.

The 20th century welcomes you Saudi monarchy.

CS majors aren’t even the only tech degree anymore. I’m a systems engineer at a datacenter and my degree is in telecommunications. Tech school have a shit load specialist programs nowadays (and I graduated in 2k9 so it’s not exactly a new trend). 

Black Lives Matter is probably shocked they don’t have NASCAR’s support.

Been an ongoing scandal for a decade or so.. this ironic report was just yesterday.

Never underestimate dumpster pandas, they secretly run the illuminati.

Isn’t it also lousy with rapists at the Air Force academy?

In a proper world Equifax wouldn’t be allowed to be a credit reporting agency again until they prove they’re no longer a shit show. This is one of those times when government regulators are the only answer. It’s not like we the people have any say in whether or not we want Equifax to have access to our information.