
The viper is dead, long live the reborn British viper.

Florida learned a lot of lessons from Andrew (which did make everything look like Barbuda). The trouble from Irma will be the storm surge now that South Florida is already getting issues from routine tidal flooding.

Gender aside I always cringe when someone refers to themselves as a brand. 🤢

“I’d love to have some kind of footage meter on my work mouse to see how many miles I push that thing in a day.”

Wait... You don’t use the left handed input mode that swaps the buttons?

Meh, different strokes. If you’re used to thumb controlling the analogue stalks of a dualshock controller the mx570 style uses the same muscle memory and strength. For that reason alone I found the thumb wheels to be far more natural. Admittedly I was never a fan of centipede or golden tee either.

Too much quake gave me wrist RSI issues so I’ve been on thumballs for a decade now. Glad Logitech is finally updating the old blue ball mx570. As a fan you should have more accurate information.

Or Veep.

Whatever happened to caring about audio fidelity? Ripping a YouTube steam should be pretty shit quality. Perhaps the recording industry should work on convincing the buying public that MP3 is shit and sell uncompressed surround format alternatives.

Ok, that’s wired.

Saw one in the Watkins Glen IRL race parking lot Sunday, hard to believe but it looks worse in person.

No one nominated Z-bros?

Don’t think they’re that organized into a culture subgroup yet. More of a bunch of decentralized rogue assholes. Not sure how many of those egos would fit in one room either.

B) can confirm. Never owned a turbo until I got my TTS last month. Was getting average mileage in the teens until I figured out how to drive it correctly. Now it averages 28 just like my previous NC’s N/A 2.0 did. Even gets high 30's on long highway cruises. But it’s still fast as hell when I want to have fun and

Monza being basically a slightly bent straight also makes it a bit easier to get those spots back.

This is perhaps how the galactic spread of intelligent life could happen. Dont need to figure out FTL travel if fortune allows a hop to other star systems when they’re passing nearby. Over hundreds of generations the two populations specieate and now you’ve got humans and Vulcans out there plus more opportunity to hop

Razor deals continue the trend of never being for lady blades. 😕

Razor deals continue the trend of never being for lady blades. 😕


You don’t need spare OE wheels. But yes, everyone that has Rcomps swaps the wheels not just the tires. You can stay “stock” classed in solo if your aftermarket wheels are the same size as OEM (diameter and width). You can also put on wider tires as long as they still fit on the OE width wheel.

As for #2 she also straight up tells Sansa “I’m going to lie to a lot right now and it’s up to you to figure what’s true” before threatening her (game of faces). Sansa is freaked and not thinking straight in the moment (understandable) but sober reflection later would likely give more strength to #3.