
That’s a pretty fair reading of the last ~50 years of policy.

Just keep pounding nails in that Picard > Kirk debate Bill.


Stray observation: Abbreviation of Formula E as FE automatically makes the series sexier due to overlap with porn.

Only if you need the 2+2.

I grew up in Wyoming county... Not surprised.

Nah that just gets you shit like Tidal.

Is it meta trolling when Juan is in a Ford and the Jay Zizzle is in a Nissan? Speaking of which... Would that make it 2jz³?

Now we just have genocide in Africa and Asia...

Can concur... Perfectly innocuous mother-in-law mobile.

Testosterone is a hell of a drug.

“hell in a hand basket”?

Gross of 130% poverty line or net of 100%. Federal minimum wage is in the $7.50/hr range and until 2015 even in liberal NY the state minimum was $8.75. Raising state minimum recently has cut into the working poor problem. But if you’re in a state that hasn’t been aggressive with minimum wage laws it’s very easy to

Yep called “The world without us”

I love ex-recto economic planning so I’d add that we should also charge corporations for the public services thier employees use. Encourage people to pay a livable wage by doing charge-back on public assistance being used by underpaid workers.

The problem is that maintaining an automated production line requires an education beyond algebra.

We should open some robot factories.

Happens with Mexico too, except the drugs flow north while guns flow south.

People looked behind the curtain.