
That’s an epic rear door.

I’m cool with it if you work in the industry. If I worked at a Porsche dealer, corporate, whatever I’d wear the swag.

Objection your honor! The defense council is mistaking opinion for facts.

On my mom’s old typewriter you could see the tab stops looking down through reel while loading the page, so its not really that bad being on the back.

What if I code using tabs (because that’s what the key is there for... Making it so I don’t have to hit space 4 million times a day) but then use the ubiquitous text editor function to convert tabs to spaces before pushing it to anyone else?

Brodozers should get ticketed for a whole laundry list of stuff though. Personally I think we should make them wear Mansfied bars as well.

Actually not a bad idea. Mandate the max height and it will make truck noses look odd (light up bumper warts anyone?) so people will think twice about “needing” one.

Just pick one off this list.

Exactly machines are great at routine BAU repetitive processes, humans tend to have issues with accurate repetition. Humans however are much better at handling outliers.

Odd thought about all this radar/lidar semi-autonomy becoming more prevent... Has it created enough noise on the highway to make radar detectors pointless?

Same thing happened to my father in law. Tree fell right on his head while he was driving down a residential. Only it was a Kia optima and he ended up in a persistent vegetative state. Guess God didn’t like him as much as this guy (he does have it in for Irish Catholics).

Please... I work for a multinational bank worth hundreds of billions (and several telecoms in the past). We waste money constantly. Corporate bureaucracy isn’t any better than the government kind.

“... private Enterprise is motivated to produce a culture of safety beyond minimus required to maximize return on investment”

That is what my Swype keyboard would like you to think. (sic: skill-set)

Hark sang the angels for the meme was dank.

He’s just reminding everyone that Jesus was a big fan of ostentatious displays of wealth. Dude was always rocking gold chains. They don’t tell you that in Bible study.

You’re assuming the truck is empty on the highway. I highly doubt that happens, it hasn’t happened in any other automated logistics operations. I expect the driver to still ride with the truck to monitor the tech, manage externalities, keep shit from getting stolen, and handle the off-highway local leg on surface

What? Seasonal? You’re going to have to explain the basis of that opinion. The logistic requirements of the country isn’t changing.

Workforce reduction in trucking is probably not happening anytime soon. The robot does the long haul freeway run but they’re still going to want someone in the truck to monitor the bot and mind the load.