
The swing axle rollover videos are legendary.

Private roads are just as ripe for oligopoly as private utilities. The nature of “infrastructure” is a non-competitive marketplace.

Of course they also write off their losses in carry-over to avoid taxation for years. Investors are like snowflakes, we don’t want them to melt so we have to make sure losses don’t hurt that much.

The publicly allowed broadband monopolies are working so well for consumers. Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon... these are paragons of customer service and low prices.

Infamous small overlap testing seems to be paying off. Granted shit would have gotten pretty real in the passenger seat, that car must have been dealing with way more force than the IIHS throws at them.

Stock insight was an amazing car.

Only have 1 option in the Buffalo metro. TWC @ 59.99 for 15 x 2. Broadband is very expensive wherever a cable monopoly exists.

We can’t have nice things on the internet.

With the pile of safety features in cars today it never ceases to amaze me that people don’t thing the only part of the car touching the road isn’t something that should be considered a safety item with spending money on. Do you really need 12 air bags, a 5 point harness for the kid, and auto braking when you could

Yeah, nothing like a highway commute in unseasonably 70°F February day to make your morning smell like you spent it doing burnouts.

Worst is the shady car lots that sell cars with worn winter tires on them because they have such chunky tread blocks they look like new all seasons to someone who has no idea what a snow tire looks like.

Needs more stars, inventing deaths is bad form. Leave that propaganda technique to the alt-right.

And terribly cool to consider that including the DSN end-points, the internet reaches outside our solar system now.

I have to star this just in case Dr. Weir is watching.

Reading the comments I see the same story as every other job sector. Ownership and investment class don’t invest in labor so the bottom 90% of the economy had to be cheap on services farther depressing the market by squeezing independent businesses.

Work in finance... I’ve only been working for a bank (systems engineer in the datacenter) 7 years and I’ve got 4 weeks vacation, 1 week paid sick, and 10 paid fed holidays. Having a few days off every month is really good for staying sane.

At least the car show promo video I have from the launch didn’t predate DVD... But it did predate HD formats.

Well... At least a NISMO Titan won’t have the unfortunate branding problems of a Toyota TRD Tundra.

Kill Zone works. This is the zone you’re going to kill someone if you don’t look out.

He does have a foreign name and dark complexion....