
So in this vision despotic petro states are all run by a Mercedes 600?

Also easier to get a vassal state to pay for the wall.

Fair point.

Nah the biggest problem is that we don’t have proportional representation. Most of the electorate’s votes dont matter. I don’t blame people for not being eager to participate in our broken system.

Plus what the second car costs that you’ll need when the BMW is on jack stands. There’s no such thing as a cheap old luxury car.

A 2016 with over 35k on the clock... That sounds like a salesman company car. As someone who’s been looking at the used 2series market for a while now... Also a shame that all the cheap ones are white. White cars have no soul.

Minimum wage should be set to a percentage of executive compensation rather than an absolute value. Income inequality is really getting out if hand.

After watching the first two episodes this weekend I’d say this is pretty fair. I know I won’t be watching them all, for both the reasons cited by Maddie and that this is aimed more at high school dropouts than college graduates. I was initially like “Bill you said this was for adults, why all the Jr High science?”

“Here, everything, pretty much everything you do in government, involves heart, whereas in business, most things don’t involve heart.”

So what went wrong with FiOS?

Yeah with a harness that the belt feeds through rather than one that clips direct into the seat belt receiver gives enough​ play for the dog to stand up in the seat so she can still reach the window enough to poke her face out. But not enough to stand on the sill or leave the seat cushion to bug the driver.

I would be inclined to say that HW is underrated and Clinton is overrated. Don’t forget Bill gave away Glass-Steagall which was one direct cause of the mortgage crisis. Meanwhile HW did a gulf war “correctly” and raised taxes to fix Reagan economy issues which weren’t visible until Clinton took office.

I think I have the same harness. Seemed the safest thing I could find ~5 years ago. Dog doesn’t seem to mind being belted in since she can still reach the window.

Seriously... I have an Aussie... If she stays couped up in the house longer than a day or two she’ll go bananas and become an insufferable barking nightmare.

I cant help hoping everyone’s 8yr loan for a luxury F150 bites them in the ass.

So the string of hottest months ever is over?

Not to rain on your parade, but probably not.

Also part of white male privilege is that we’re taught to stand up for ourselves and challenge authority if we are being mistreated because “the worst they can say is no”. Minority populations face a different equation where there are more potential consequences than simple rejection. This sounds like one of the times

So... Half-Life 3 is out later this year?