
Selective memory is such a bitch.... Jalopnik was never positive about Obama CAFE policy.

When domestic production needs $100/barrel oil prices to be profitable... That’s kind of innevitable under the current administration.

More likely attitude of: if you’re thinking of getting a new car get it before the tarrifs jack prices. Hard to not think that when POTUS attacks the auto imports specifically.

To be fair, there was no shortage of cj accident deaths. Especially after VE day.

Nah Infowars had the real truth.

You’re suggesting they had enough time to shred science and Spanish language from Whitehouse.gov but not to make some email addresses? Not likely.

Wait... So we need more not less regulation?

Gallows are so pretty in the spring. Though I suppose we could end up with one firing squad. If the intelligence community comes up with hard evidence that the campaign was in contact with Russia... That could be construed as high treason.

Getting hard to shake the feeling that I should move my retirement account into the bond market for safe harbor.

My father did that in an old column shift Silverado. No lockup but we were on our way camping so it was fully loaded, not sure if that matters but it just let out a loud ass *click* *click* *click* machine gun blast. He caught it immediately and pulled it to N so it worked out. That is of course the day he learned you

I don’t buy anything at Walmart... Cars won’t change that until Walmart stops being so Walmart.

Wilbur Ross, Commerce Secretary

But Daaaaad I was just having fun!

Doesn’t look like he even beat the rally to restore sanity crowd. Should be easy for the ladies to be on top tomorrow.

“affordable” always requires quotes and italics when referring to track toys.

There was also plenty of cheating in my day. Pretty pathetic really.

Wait... Van Hooydonk is a real name for a person who exists? Not some trend of putting big wheels on an old Econoline.

Nah, he’ll live to at least his 80's... He’s got stamina.

But dogs love convertibles more than people do! Just look how happy she is!

I just really want sound designers to stop using that “sheeewhep” stock effect that has accompanied the majority movie explosions to back to the beginning of time.