
I’m going to have to play devil’s advocate with you on that one (since I did grow up in rural rust belt). Service economics only work at scale. It’s proven out over the last two decades that the promise of service industry replacing manufacturing loses is viable, but only for places with the population density and

Nevermind Mexican jobs... Convincing displaced manufacturing workers to consider “female jobs” has already been nearly impossible.

Too bad that irony is wasted on Trump supporters, because fans of Regan wanting to build a wall never stops being delicious.

No hate for LOST yet? Are we all still in PTSD denial?

And shit... You didn’t even mention the rediculous overuse of time travel and multiple dimensions. There was truly so much wrong with that show. But I couldn’t stop hoping it would get better all the way to the pathatic wheeze of a finale.

Neither suck or blow... Black holes spaghettify your brain. Though they do eventually blow your mind as Hawking radiation... They never suck it, merely attract it.

TL;DR: “youth is wasted on the young”

Still looks sedan only... I’ll pass. Haven’t been interested since they killed the sport wagon in the bugeye days. Sad.

What happened to compromise... I’d trade corporate income tax for capital gains loopholes. Tax all income as income and corporations can have 0% rate.

... transparent screens

Maybe they’re tired of people saying we should go back to the moon.

Or a nice start on our Dyson cloud.

FYI... Broken Most Wednesdays gets the same point accross but works better linguistically.

While simultaneously voting for higher minimum wages in every state that had it on the ballot in 2016. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

Beyond personal anecdotes, Police attention has nothing to do with paint. For example, I drew far more police attention in a blue focus and black cavalier than the red mx5 that replaced them. Anecdotes go both ways, but statical analysis always says color means nothing.

Still not sure why we care if fun cars come with optional fun killers. Just don’t order your car with the AT.

Since you seem to be focused on electronic aids I’ll have to tap out. The only driver aid on the NC Miata is ABS. Traction and stability control can fuck off, breaking traction, being unstable, and excessive yaw is the fun part of winter.

Didn’t like the buzzy engine noise and the rear visibility. It’s really easy to see out of a Forester.

Just buy snow tires, this car hasn’t been stuck in 5 Buffalo winters.

If SS and Medicare get cut by x% I would like x% of my money back now please.