
Setting up forms simplifies the data entry process. Yes, you can enter it manually, but if most of your interaction with a spreadsheet is simply entering records over and over, a form provides easier presentation without having to worry about where your cursor is placed. When entering data manually, going back to a

Agreed; you really only have the rights to the digital copy if you also own the original.

From what the mozilla post says, they will put sponsored tiles to populate the empty tiles for first time users, since the tiles are empty and there are no frequently visited sites. It says nothing of sponsored tiles once you have frequent sites tiles.

I'd suggest a couple things:
1: Pay down car payment if it is more than 1% interest
2: Open or add to a brokerage account. Play the market. Scottrade is pretty much your best bet broker.
3: Open or add to a savings account (Barclays is 0.9%, Ally is 0.87%)

Why is there so much talk about seperate finances?

A little bit of a play fund is one thing only sharing 30-50% of your income is completely another.

You should have joint accounts completely. Why? So that both people are 100% responsible for their spending 100% of the time.

Nothing says you can't take out a couple

I'll go ahead and classify this one under "things we shouldn't have needed to do in the first place".

If you want an extended warranty, it usually pays to do some internet searching.

Sounds more like being pushed into asking by their mom. I have this same general policy but it is "If you don't ask, the answer is always no." I figure if you ask and they say "No" then you're back to where you'd be if you hadn't asked (maybe minus some pride, but *shrug*), but if they say "yes" well then...Mission

Sports (espn, btn) have been the only reason we havent cut the cord yet. Getting very close though, since everything we watch is delayed through dvr. Any advice on attic mounted hd antennae which can be distributed to multipe tvs?

Second that.
For me, it's a race. Evernote or OneNote on built-in stylus support.

Wow! That is really hard to do! I just tried that, and it was really surprising. I can see how that might work.

How about Copy?
I tested it for a few month and found it comparable with dropbox (in in syncing features),but offer a lot more space. There are still rooms for improvement though.

Or, for under $5, you can put a small, less bulky, not tech dependent, instantly recognizable and readable engraved tag on the dog's collar with the pertinent details. You know, like has been standard practice for as long as I can remember.

Another option is Keypass, another good password manager that is completely free.

Or you could trust your life to LastPass, and have every password be random characters...

Something that isn't getting mentioned in most of the articles I've seen about this: Someone will only be able to send you a single message without your consent, and if you don't reply, you'll never here from them again.

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