Everyone's already covered the "don't spent more than you can afford" part, so I'll go with something else:
Everyone's already covered the "don't spent more than you can afford" part, so I'll go with something else:
Lately, I've been going crazy navigating the inbox with j and k. I'll scroll through the entire inbox with j/k, select messages with x, then archive them with e or delete them with #. It's WAY easier than trying to check all the boxes with the mouse and then click the "delete" button.
why did i not know about this....it took me forever to get 19.88 gb on dropbox and i got 20gb right away with copy...nice.
I was just going to post and ask what happened to the full feeds.
I don't want weekly reminders to "get social". I want the full RSS feed back!
What about company insurance coverage that covers up to a set amount an no cost (i.e. $150k for me). Is it possible to mix/match or should I just do it all through the employer at that point?
I think I will stick on using username+servicename@gmail
I don't really care — if you send an email, I don't care where you're sending it from, the content needs to be at a specific level. You can send too short and mistake-filled emails from your computer too. If you do it on your phone and then include something like this as an excuse, it's just as bad to me as if you did…
Wired and Wireless.
Just out of curiosity, who picks the winners? How does a simple shower rack beat out the beach chair, or even the tent??
Google Now both fascinates and scares the hell out of me.
I started using LastPass two weeks ago, and absolutely love it. Of course, the NSA might have a backdoor into LastPass, but I'm risking it anyway.
I recently started using Copy.com when I had the need to share some video files with friends and family. Copy.com didn't limit the filesize and that was the main reason for using it.
Twitter is great for watching news flow by. RSS is better for catching up on everything at the end of the day though. That's at least how I use it.
Copy support would be nice.
Copy support would be nice.
would be nice if it added in support for COPY
Another vote for TT-RSS! I tried feedly but it frustrated the heck out of me. I installed TT-RSS on my server and haven't looked back since. It isn't the most user friendly to install but once it is you should have no problems at all. The android app is a perfect companion to TT-RSS and syncs perfectly once…
I wonder if any hosting company is offering Tiny Tiny RSS through Softaculous or Fantastico, web hosting installation script packages. That seems to be the hurdle for a lot of people, getting someone to set up the backend. Google's providing the servers for Reader, and now Feedly's doing its own thing for Press,…
If you've got access to a webserver and a little know-how, you could setup Tiny Tiny RSS (not sure if you'd consider installing a webapp "intrusive"). I've used it to replace Google Reader, and added it's aggregated RSS feed to Netvibes to replace iGoogle. The downside is you have to spend some time setting it up. The…