
At least they said this in the blog "Each person will be able to decide whether to activate the DRM implementation or to leave it off and not watch DRM-controlled content."

I know this post is a little late, but what does Postbox offer over say Thunderbird? Most of the add-ons mentioned exist in Thunderbird, or have an equivalent.

I just haven't figured out a good usecase for me with things like Pocket / Instapaper or even this one. Am I missing something?

I would be comfortable with a used car seat as long as I checked the expiration date and knew that it had not been in an accident. Besides the expiration date, the manufactures say to not use the car seat again after an accident.

Livebookmarks looks interesting. I still like Tiny Tiny RSS, but it appears that I could use the Livebookmark link as a RSS feed.

I believe if you have /vip at the end of the gawker rss feeds it gives you the full feed (minus comments).

Some of the rss servers can handle pages that do not have their own rss feed.

I'm not sure it is easier to set up to start, but I think RSS is the way to go over bookmarks. All you have to do is check your RSS reader and it will tell you if there are new articles at the sites you are interested in reading.

Open the group chat, press the menu button and click "People & options". This will show you all the participants in the group chat.

In addition to the baby fund, start thinking about college funds (and if you are considering private schools start looking at ways to fund those as well). I would say that a 529 and a Coverdell are good places to start and I would say get started right after you have a social security number.

Does MySMS handle group MMS properly?

Most dealers won't let you put the whole car on a credit card, they don't want to pay the fees on that amount.

I'm not sure that I would want an up to date reminder of what my car's depreciating value is.

I would really like to find a good multiple desktop for windows that isn't so resource hungry.

Two questions: One the picture at the top has the firefox logo at the top left, my updated version doesn't. I was just wondering if there was some customization going on.

What software are you using that recognizes two DVD drives for ripping?

Besides friends, it is sometimes useful to check some forums for common problems, complaints, and for people who just really like the care.

If you have a tablet pc (or a USB wacom) you can take handwritten notes in OneNote.

I really like OneNote for the handwriting as well as organization.

My fraternity house had cable, so I still had cable in college. Really, I think Live Sports and Discovery channel are probably my biggest problems with cable cutting.