
Time vs Money is another thing that needs to be considered. You can typically get more bang for your buck building, but sometimes the research / time to put it together isn't worth it (as mentioned by others when it is for someone else).

You could also do the same thing with Copy or any of the other cloud sync services. If you haven't heard of Copy, it is the service that gives you 15GB space free, and 20GB if you click on a referral link like this one https://copy.com?r=FJ0ixF

I like their cables, but I hadn't tried any of the hardware like a mouse. Good to know about it the next time I'm looking to replace a keyboard / mouse.

I think it is a right tool for the job mentality. There are times the portability of a 7" is great, but like you said if you are reading something like a comic 10" is better. I have found that after picking up a Note2 for my phone, my 7" doesn't get used.

Kwak is good. I also like Chimay from Belgium.

Wish they would include Copy in their search. I find that I like using Copy better than Dropbox. If you haven't heard of Copy, it is the service that gives you 15GB space free, and 20GB if you click on a referral link like this one https://copy.com?r=FJ0ixF

No worries, just thought I would check.

Whitson - Have you extracted them? How about throwing them into your deskktoppr.co account?

Buying a car in the fall can have one problem. If the car's air conditioner isn't up to the task of the summer heat (depending on your location), you may get a rude awakening come summer.

Depends on how you have the power settings configured.

I was just going to mention the Alt-F4 then Enter from the desktop as a better/faster way than Ctrl-Alt-Del

I thought most people knew about the convert on upload to save space.

For those of you with a router that needs to be reset often, I read a tip about using a basic lamp timer to "turn it off and back on" at a time that you would not be using it.

We were starting with one standard desk and one small L shaped. We were bumping into each other, and we weren't attached to either desk, so we just started over.

I also use multiple browsers. The right tool for the job is a good saying

Still wish you would just put these on desktoppr and let us follow you and grab the ones we want.

I have something similar, but had Closet Factory install a U shaped desk to prevent needing 2 desks that looked good together.

OneNote can handle it, since you can write on it like it was pen/paper.

Level, ruler, soldering iron, work lights, dremel tool for smaller items, circular saw (eventually I want to add a miter saw instead of borrowing one and a table saw), clamps, saw horses.

If I install MediaMonkey and have iTunes installed as well, will there be any conflicts? I just don't want one or the other moving stuff around.