
Kwak is good. I also like Chimay from Belgium.

Wish they would include Copy in their search. I find that I like using Copy better than Dropbox. If you haven't heard of Copy, it is the service that gives you 15GB space free, and 20GB if you click on a referral link like this one https://copy.com?r=FJ0ixF

No worries, just thought I would check.

Whitson - Have you extracted them? How about throwing them into your deskktoppr.co account?

Buying a car in the fall can have one problem. If the car's air conditioner isn't up to the task of the summer heat (depending on your location), you may get a rude awakening come summer.

Depends on how you have the power settings configured.

I was just going to mention the Alt-F4 then Enter from the desktop as a better/faster way than Ctrl-Alt-Del

I thought most people knew about the convert on upload to save space.

For those of you with a router that needs to be reset often, I read a tip about using a basic lamp timer to "turn it off and back on" at a time that you would not be using it.

We were starting with one standard desk and one small L shaped. We were bumping into each other, and we weren't attached to either desk, so we just started over.

I also use multiple browsers. The right tool for the job is a good saying

Still wish you would just put these on desktoppr and let us follow you and grab the ones we want.

I have something similar, but had Closet Factory install a U shaped desk to prevent needing 2 desks that looked good together.

OneNote can handle it, since you can write on it like it was pen/paper.

Level, ruler, soldering iron, work lights, dremel tool for smaller items, circular saw (eventually I want to add a miter saw instead of borrowing one and a table saw), clamps, saw horses.

If I install MediaMonkey and have iTunes installed as well, will there be any conflicts? I just don't want one or the other moving stuff around.

I didn't give up on 2 factor. I gave up on applications that couldn't handle it.

I like the fact that Firefox will load the pinned tabs, but not preload all of the other tabs. I must admit that at times I have too many tabs open from previous sessions.

I use PopMoney as well.

I enjoy the beaches on the East Coast from South Carolina down through FL and up to the pan handle. The Beach is relaxing to me.