
Seems to be a recent flooding of articles related to Mac's terminal commands (like they are new). Most people that I know making use of terminal have a UNIX/Linux background and have an understanding of the terminal. These articles seem very trivial.

I wasn't sure if it was against the ToS or not. I'm glad to hear that you looked through it. This is something I should try.

double post deleted.

This is exactly why I don't like auto-updates. I have had applications break functionality that I used with a supposed update.

That is a pretty good idea with the amazon account. I do have a question, that isn't meant to be a downer, but isn't that against amazon's terms?

I save them as well. I just figured that if Adam put them on Desktoppr to begin with, it would remove the having to go to the page to download the image. We could instead follow him on Desktoppr and just grab them as he adds them.

Adam, I still wish you would sign up for Desktppr to make downloading some of these backgrounds easierhttps://www.desktoppr.co/

Thank you for that post. I was bothered that the delete button wasn't on the bar and hidden under a menu.

I have not hosted with anyone other than myself and google. I have no problems with either. As for moving your email to another host, as long as you have access to IMAP then the process can be done relatively painlessly.

I agree that you don't need a personal website, but having your own domain for email is great. You never have to worry about that email going away, all you have to do is find a place (gmail/outlook/numerous hosting providers/run your own) to host it and you can always move it to a new provider without losing your

And no way that meetings are not going to be scheduled based on local time.

So very true, sometimes paralysis by research (or price shopping) sets in and I need a reminder that my time is worth something.

I wonder if they are going to include copy.com. The service that gives you 15GB space free, and 20GB if you click on a referral link like this one https://copy.com?r=FJ0ixF

I found the answer to my question. It seems Dashlane follows the same master password is not stored with them ever philosophy as LastPass.

Can Dashlane recover your master password? If so, then if you sync with their servers doesn't that mean your passwords are recoverable? I think the fact that LastPass cannot recover your password is a great advantage to the syncing to servers.

I believe there is a difference here. SMS Backup+ backs up your text messages to gmail, while this extension allows you to send texts from your computer (and it appear to come from your phone). Or at least that is how I'm understanding the article.

Not having a CNC nor having any friends with one, makes this a little expensive of a project to start on my own. However, it is a very cool project.

Definitely a sign to watch out for. Chicken legs with "beach" muscles is not a good combo for a trainer.

Speed matters, but you are correct listing file size restrictions for each service would create a nicer, and more usable table.

There are so many left out of this "test". I would have liked to see the following included along with the few they did include: