
She no longer gives a damn about coming across as “adorable” or “likable”. Thousands of actors / actresses are waiting on tables and she's suddenly fed up with a system that has made her one of the richest under-26 people in the U.S.

It's difficult to be entertained and inspired by a theme that's suited for ages 9-14. The only adult aspect of Supergirl is the way she looks in that costume.

He / She may be free to "transition" as they please, but why must there be an award for doing so? Couldn't an award be given to someone who demonstrates sufficient strength to deal with his / her issues and not transition?

After watching the trailer a few times, I'm not sure what is being given away because the trailer is just a montage of different action scenes intermixed with the familiar paradox of altering the course of history through time-travel missions and encounters of familiar characters in mixed time formats. The "reboot" or

Yeah. I guess Rogen is right. A film that accurately and historically depicts Americans serving their country and acting to protect other serviceman is nothing more than propaganda, very much akin to Hitler's propaganda film in Inglorious.

Really? The NSA metadata program has affected your rights negatively? Can you name one person who was arrested or whose legal rights were compromised? I read quite a bit and haven't encountered a single example and yet several terror attacks were indeed foiled. The invasion of Iraq was a mistake, but it wasn't based

Oh. Wow. I guess I missed the part where he's insinuating that Chris Kyle and other Americans who sacrificed their lives to help defend the plethora of rights that you enjoy, including the right to produce insipid comedies, is somehow comparable to Hitler's henchmen mowing down our GIs in the big one. Now, with your

"American Sniper is kind of like Inglourious Basterds." The two have about as much in common as "All the President's Men" and "The Interview." One is based on fact and well written while the other is pure fiction and contains antics for a 13-year-old."

Springfield is no spring chicken as he's 65 years old. At that age women prefer to go for other body parts for the sake of money. As the late Robin Williams said, "the definition of divorce was ” ripping one's balls out through one's wallet”.

His portrayal of the intrepid scientist in the "Time Machine" is truly iconic. He brought an energy and conviction to the role that has left an indelible impression on all fans of sci-fi. Casting him along with the beautiful Yvette Mimieux led to the perfect chemistry and romance that enhanced the plot. RIP Rod. Your

Nothing can compare with Ken Burns' Civil War doc. which can be watched repeatedly.