
It’s all fun and games until a city gets nuked.

“allowing our government to continue functioning”

I would argue that the Jews were one of the first monotheistic groups around (took ‘em awhile). Monotheism, by its nature, is intolerant. One group’s intolerance creates corresponding intolerance in other groups. QED.

“Why are Trump supporters such jerks about the election?”

Work your statehouse legislatures to elect politicians opposed to gerrymandering.

Even before being sworn in, Mr. Trump has managed to make Americans lose billions of dollars. And Trump voters applaud him for this unpresidented (/s) action against American capitalism.

I believe it’s shoe trees rather than shoe horns that will retain your shoe’s shape.

Your dad was five years younger than I am.

What is “hard evidence” in this day and age? What can’t be faked? We tend to trust the source now, not the nature of the evidence itself. Which is why someone who’s willing to stand up and lie baldfaced to the American people has a tremendous amount of power. We’ve seen that now twice in the last 17 years. It

Seriously: aside from a few geographically-based resources (e.g., oil sands), why do people live where it’s this cold anymore? I get career reasons, but let’s face it, much of the North is going or has gone like much of the Midwest: not much of a reason to live there anymore.

More like the Alt-Sith.

The notion that someone from a thousand years ago would be shocked by a Dorito is nonsense.

Really? You say that after 20 years of GOP trolls repeating GOP talking points? Holy cow.

Transcriptions of his “speeches” in his campaign are on-line.

I like “Mr. Toad.”

You go down that road, here’s where you end up: there is no source of truth you can trust. None. Not one. Never. At any time.

At one point Trump said that a 400 pounder from New Jersey could have done it.

Haven’t seen R1 yet, but outside of the first two movies, none of the SW movies are really *about* anything. The SW background is equivalent to the Wild West or the Caribbean—an intriguing background against which broad melodrama can be played, but no more than that. And the thing about melodrama is that it has a

When we’re done with that, we can then proceed to shoot ourselves in the *other* foot.

Nonsense. The Earth is 6000 years old. All that evolution stuff is just a Chinese hoax.