no, it’s your election that would have no credibility if you did otherwise
no, it’s your election that would have no credibility if you did otherwise
They’d have to pay me a lot more than $69 to have those films in my library.....
They’d have to pay me a lot more than $69 to have those films in my library.....
I think that will be Putin/Trump.
You don’t need Russia to explain the results. All you need to know is the stupidity and tendency to magical thinking in Trump voters.
Moffat has taken us down a garden path. Hardly anything from his tenure is worth watching. MHO, of course.
Can anybody tell me why the Brits do this? They do it with Holmes, too—find an incredibly successful series, and then shrug and say, well, maybe in two or three years, we’ll run another episode....don’t they *like* high ratings and money-making in England?
They’re imagining their grandparents doing it. Not half so squicky.
Wouldn’t one have to have sex to contract an STI?
Don’t bother to save to send your kid to college. With Mr. Toad in the White House, there soon will be no jobs requiring a college education that won’t be filled by the white son or daughter of a rich Republican.
This a$$h0le is why I won’t but a Rift.
Trump voters at work.
Ask your great-grandparents, or your great-greats, who probably were desperate to escape their homes too.
I’m thinking you don’t know what “13 cords/medals” means.
Boeing is most closely identified with Washington State.
...and we allow these people to vote, as well as buy guns.
It’s not the costume that matters: it’s the performance.
The biggest issue with these shows is that some of the young actors, while they look good, just can’t really act.
I must admit, I have no idea what kind of person would carry this kit. Parts of it make perfect sense, but then other parts essentially just add carry weight as they duplicate other functions.
Budrys. Vance. Zelazny. MacLeod. Russ. Knight.
No. No. No.