That’s not a mistake. That particular yacht has the steel strengthened in its stern, not its bow. It therefore breaks ice by moving backwards. Not uncommon.
That’s not a mistake. That particular yacht has the steel strengthened in its stern, not its bow. It therefore breaks ice by moving backwards. Not uncommon.
OH MY GOD DOUG SIT STILL. Horny ferrets wrestling in a pillowcase would squirm less!
“As we all know, the greatest car of all time was the Citroën DS. (New administration, kids. The days of blind Miata worship are numbered.)“
Two words: ear protection. You don’t realize how loud it is until you try to go to sleep that evening and your brain feels like it is bouncing off the rev limiter.
I would recommend Sony’s fabulous new line of second gen 4K televisions.
Just because “nobody named Sandra Reed has leaked anything to us or to anyone else who shared any information with us” does not disprove her claim that information she leaked “ended up in the hands of Kotaku.” The only way to disprove that is to follow the chain of sources back to, well, the source. So this is, at the…
And the distinction you are trying to make is what, exactly?
So wait, this still doesn’t make sense. How would Ferrari even know about a proposed race in the first place? Is there something in the purchase agreement which obligates the buyer to notify Ferrari before taking the car racing? I understand the point about ‘not crossing’ them, but what mommy doesn’t know won’t hurt…
Meh, you will be getting crap for that turn of phrase for awhile now. Best to just own it.