
Mine is factory overclocked, but I can't remember to what speeds. It just has the reference cooler so it's nothing you probably couldn't push yours to easily.

My 570 performs phenomenally although I did have to turn down a few distance settings to ensure a constant 60fps in all areas.

No. I would say the Intel 2500k is the best deal right now. Go for the 2600k if you do a lot of non-gaming CPU intensive work like video encoding.

I bet you could take that CPU higher with your liquid cooling. I'm running at the same speed on air.

At every Inn I stay at, I take all the food and place it on the bed I rent. Then I sleep in it. My Skyrim character has a food fetish.

I think I'm going to start a second character, focus on my sneak skill and use it to kill all the children in the game without getting caught.

The stuff outside the playable area is scaled down and the textures are really just colored blobs.

I would like to see an expansion pack that takes place in Cyrodiil. It was much prettier than Skyrim IMO. I enjoyed walking around and exploring it more.

It's about time! That little snot-nosed brat in Whiterun is gonna get it when I get home from work tonight!

That is freaking awesome! They should have made more!

The game has such a weak story line. Why did they feel the need to make a novel?

I can think of lots of games better than Skyward Sword. I would even go as far as to say that Skyward Sword is only a decent game.

User scores on Metacritic are rarely indicative of the actual quality of a major game. Most reviewers are people who have never even played the game in question and just like bitching about how much they hate it.

Goldeneye was only fun to people who had never played a PC first person shooter before. For the rest of us it was frustrating as hell.

Someone was working on one for Oblivion but moved on to other things before finishing it.

Running games in emulators at high resolutions is actually extremely easy because all of that work is being done by your graphics card. The heavy lifting when it comes to emulating a games console is done on the CPU. What you witnessed was not an example of of poor optimization.

The blood is too bright.

They should replace them with pedobears.

I should have heeded your warning! You bastard!

I call bullshit.