
In Australia, how do people keep liquids from flying out of their cups and into the sky?

I thought people weren't allowed to not like Skyrim...

I like the poor people blaming the rich peoples. The mess we're in is everyone's fault.

Japanese culture is more difficult for us Westerners to grasp than a grand unified theory of physics. I don't think we will ever have a complete understanding of what goes on over there.

Wait, JAPAN of all places has laws against this kind of stuff?

They're all cynical.

I hate hipsters so damn much!

I think calling it a short movie might be a bit of an understatement.

People who upload videos with a/v sync issues should be shot.

Oblivion introduced me to RPG's in general. I loved that game, easily have 100 hours in it.

Oblivion had the best music.

You win! This is the first rational comment I have read on Kotaku today!

Blizzard is a lot like Apple that way...

They're a perv when they like that kind of thing and a douchebag when they flaunt that interest in front of everyone else on the internet.

It took me about 5 hours of my 14 day trial to figure out that this game sucks. It's simply taken everyone else 7 years to figure it out.

Underage anime girls in suggestive poses or clothing == automatic douchebag.

If you don't like it you don't have to play it. Stop whining and ruining it for the rest of us who do like it.

Games used to get free updates and map packs.

Did he notice any PC copies?

Any PC copies?