
Will people really use this all that often? Most people don't want to sound like idiots talking to their phone.

There are plenty of apps for Android

But you can't even get email on a PlayBook.

I'm still convinced that article was pure, 100% grade-A flamebait.

The stupid kid probably deserved it. The alarmism in this article is unjustified until more light is shed on the matter.

Apple fans love two things: Worshipping Steve Job and re-writing history so that he invented technology. My personal favorite alterations so far? That the Mac was the first commercially available desktop with a GUI. In fact it was preceded by the Apple Lisa and before that the Xerox Star. If we include non-commercial

How the hell is Steve Jobs responsible for any of this? You guys make him out to be some sort of genius inventor who created everything we use today when he simply didn't.

Actually it took a hefty fine from the FTC to get Comcast to stop messing with Bittorrent traffic.

They've always been able to block any content they want. The new law says they can't block anything that isn't illegal.

God dammit I thought we finally purged that thing from the internet.

Oh I was referring to Google Talk.

Not if I only eat farm-raised humans who have also lived on a human only diet.

Time for me to switch to an all-human diet.

If I leave the app, after fifteen minutes I Show as offline to my friends on an iPhone whereas on Android I always show up as either online or idle.

Windows doesn't show that goop, the BIOS does, and most BIOSs out there let you replace it with a simple splash screen.

Their games aren't necessarily more optimized than everyone elses, they just offer graphics options of even lower quality than most. StarCraft II at minimum settings looks like sh*t compared to most other games from 2010 at minimum settings, but it also runs on hardware that the others can't.

Borderlands and L4D2 will run poorly, Borderlands especially. Games run faster under Windows 7 than OS X, even on Mac hardware. If you will primarily be using Windows 7 then buy a PC. It's not worth paying the Apple tax if you're not using OS X.

You know nothing about computers. The switch to UEFI from BIOS isn't why you don't see that gibberish. That t "gibberish" is the output of POST, a critical process run when ANY computer device boots. The reason it looks pretty on your win tablet is because they hide it behind a pretty splash screen. It makes it

Uhhhm, Google Talk isn't an option.

Gears of War 2 used radio static to filter language. It sounded nice.