
Planking? That's racist! Kill that man for committing such a vile hate crime!

Yes...I would totally trust these guys with my private data...

I call BS on this one.

That is a pretty big downside. I'm still kicking myself for leaving San Diego.

Matinee tickets here in Utah are still $6.25 and there's no shipping.

The only parts of TRON that weren't in 3D were the sections that take place in the real world. All shots inside the computer world were in 3D.

GroupMe sounds suspiciously like GropeMe.

I tried emulators with a controller and most of them were unplayable. That said, they weren't designed for a touch screen. I like my iPod Touch, and will probably buy another one in a couple of years for the new tech. It has been nice to see Apple slowly adding some of the features we've been begging for like

My iPod touch is jailbroken and customized to the hilt, but it's not particularly stable. Don't get me wrong, I love what I can do with it jailbroken.

More Advertising != Quality Advertising. Just because you see as many Xoom ads as iPad ads doesn't mean they aren't as effective. Plus, Apple spends millions on other forms of advertising, particularly product placement in movies and television. Last year they spent more money than any other company on product

People aren't buying them on the same scale because Apple is a marketing power house. They're "hip". It's kind of like how Starbucks sells more coffee than anyone even though I can think of a dozen places in my city with better coffee.

They won't release the source code until Ice Cream Sandwich. This is to prevent hardware manufacturers from putting 3.x on a phone. They are trying to avoid what happened with 1.x/2.x being put on tablets. Good software being implemented poorly leaves users with a negative impression of the software as a whole.

They're keeping the source code to themselves until they release Ice Cream Sandwich. They don't want manufacturers squeezing Honeycomb on to phones because the UI would be awful. They know someone would do it and when manufacturers do stuff like that and people buy it, it leaves them with a bad impression of Android

Then what reason does HDCP exist for? Why are they introducing Blu-Rays that force all players, even old ones, to downscale to 540p when outputting through analog cables?

I say no OS is worth an extra $2,500, especially when I prefer Linux over anything and I still need Windows for my games.

My machine can do it faster for less money. Deal with it. You're paying an extra $2,500 for a different OS and an Apple logo.

Big whoop, I toss back grenades all the time in Call of Duty.

If they don't have HDTV's they have nothing to worry about. The console still supports analog output for standard definition content.

You know, it's funny that they would even bother with that since we've completely broken the DRM on Blu-Ray discs wide open. We don't need to (and don't want to because of quality loss issues) use the analog hole to make copies of our movies. In fact, I've never even heard of someone copying a movie through the

You know, I'm still playing all my old PC games online, like Quake 3 and Elite Force. Oh yeah, and Battlefield 2.