
Those Mac Pros are specced very well. Most of them come with server CPUs. But I can put together a comparable machine on Newegg for less than half the price. This pic compares my machine to a comparable Mac Pro. Where the components aren't the same, mine are faster (particularly the GPU) plus mine has a blu-ray drive

This is my current build. As you can see that is a pretty nice case. I will admit though, the comparison isn't fair. The Mac Pro doesn't have a Blu-Ray drive or a card as fast as my GTX 570.

Steve says that they won't support Blu-Ray at all because of licensing issues. What he really meant to say was that he wants to push everyone to ditch physical media and buy their movies on iTunes.

I get that there are a lot of people who like Macs despite their higher price tag, and everyone is entitled to buy what they want. MacBook Pros are well put together machines.

Despite piracy, Microsoft has so far sold 400 million copies of Windows 7.

Any way to watch sideloaded 3D video yet?

This...this is just sad...

Uuuuhh, some of those people looked like monsters to begin with


Video games are more difficult to refine and polish than films. The result is, while the first game in a series introduces new ideas they are often rough around the edges. When the developer gets around to the second one they are able to refine the innovative new features found in the original and the end product is

So the Soviets build one thing that's actually safer than our stuff and they barely even used it.

You deserve a medal for this!

Dammit people are so effing stupid. They get upset over the most stupid things, like the rabbi who threatened to sue a Seattle airport for putting up a Christmas tree.

No but cheap stuff like this damages the brand imo.

The Prestige, hands down!

Shouldn't he be suing Sharp, the company that actually makes and sells the 3D LCD used in the console?

I was able to look into the Wii's future and avoided buying one altogether.

I bet this will be better than Fallout 3/New Vegas.

I don't watch gaming events because it is more fun for me to actually play the game than to watch someone else play it. The same goes for any sports, except it's worse with sports because I barely enjoy playing them to begin with. The only exception is watching Fatal1ty and Zero4 playing Quake 3.