
@SkipErnst: Actually according to Moores law, hardware released next year should be 8.5 times as powerful as hardware released in 2005 (the year the 360 was released) at the same cost.

@Musouka: PCs have been doing that for a while now. Also, the Wii U only supports one screen controller per console.

@mconheady: The kind of people on kotaku and complaining are the kind of people who Nintendo no longer caters to. They (including myself) can complain all we want but Nintendos job is to make money, and right now they've figured out how to make money off mostly casual gamers and fans of their older IPs. For the rest

@Ben Zvan: No an Xbox can still blow your phone out of the water. A 3GHz triple core PowerPC CPU is definitely faster than a dual core 1GHz ARMv9 CPU found in a tegra 2 powered handset. To my knowledge, the current fastest phones are running tegra 2.

I've made plenty of stupid decisions, but I've never intentionally made a decision I knew was stupid. That's beyond stupid; it's retarded.

I have lots of fun at my parties. I should know, I actually remember them. I seriously don't understand the appeal of alcohol. It smells bad, tastes bad and when I see others under its influence I think to myself "why would I want to behave like that?"

@teeownzu: I would like to point out that the PC version of Duke Nukem Forever has a metascore of 76, which tells me that the 50 the Xbox version has is the result of a lazy port and not an inherently bad game.

@dracosummoner: Actually the guys behind Splinter Cell came up with a brilliant solution to the analog movement problem on PC. I used to think console was the way to go for SC but after playing it on PC I can safely say I was dead wrong.

@SanAndreasAE: Unfortunately in shooters the need to aim quickly and accurately far outweighs the need for you to precisely control your movement speed. The fact is, most shooters made for PC first and then ported to the console need to be slowed down in pace rather significantly in order to be entertaining on a

@dracosummoner: AVP suffered critically because of the rather terrible single player campaigns. The thing is, nobody bought AVP for singleplayer, they bought it for multiplayer.

I more or less agree. Yes there are technical flaws in the game and those do merit knocking off points, at least on the Xbox version, but it seems like a lot of people have been complaining about how it plays too much like a game from the nineties and they don't seem to realize that that is what it's trying to do. In

These guys need a good old fashioned kick in the pants.

The secret is to not pop a couple of pills and get really drunk. Embarrassing things are much less likely to happen if you avoid those things.

Why is 1998 on that list? There can't be that many iPhone users who were born in 1998.

What's sad is that there are people who believe this pic is real.

$14 an hour is fine for working in retail. Yes, it sucks but it's a job that requires no education or specific skills.

Make Star Trek Elite Force 3 and you can have all the money in my savings account, no questions asked.

Bad idea. Not all games can be improved with Kinect.

In the long run, $25 off the up front cost of an MMO is hardly a deal.