Quite the contrary, actually.
Quite the contrary, actually.
Platform exclusive instant messaging services is a bad idea.
Over the past 4 years, we have replaced our $15 texting plans with $30+ data plans. Stop complaining.
It's painful watching someone who doesn't know how to play Star Fox play it.
Screw the motion controls. They looks stupid. Good thing this came with a joystick.
Based on the beta, this plays like every other MMO out there. Make something with fun combat or nobody gets my monies.
The woman who voices Lara Croft is an actress? NO WAY! I HAD NO IDEA!!!
@tehsquish: You would be surprised what extra horsepower can get you. At first glance it looks like the Wii U is simply capable of 360-level graphics in 1080p instead of 720p.Using modern hardware, many PC games (designed for the PC, not just ported from console) look nothing like anything you get on a PS3 or 360. By…
Since I have an Android tablet and use it for movies now it doesn't bother me *as much* that the iPhone lacks that feature, but it still bothers me when I need to put on more music. iPhones don't like people with more than one computer.
I don't see this being nearly as successful as the Wii. Nintendo likes to sell old cheap hardware for a profit (unlike Sony and Microsoft who initially sell their consoles at cost or even at a loss knowing they will make the money back in software sales). In keeping with that tradition and not wanting to have to…
His icon looks better than Apples.
Still not good enough. Devs should be able to put their own buy button or link to their website.
@MieBie: It wasn't a matter of capability, it's a matter of them being too lazy to write the code when the Kinect sensor already handles it for them. Plus, I'm sure they realized it was a stupid feature to begin with and only implemented it on Kinect because it was so easy.
Who cares. Voice commands are stupid. Nothing makes me feel like more of an idiot than talking to a computer screen.
@BNJMNSXSTN: From what I've gathered, when you play with the classic graphics the game it's still rendering in high definition like when you play with the remastered graphics turned on.
@cowboyhugbees: I'm a fellow PC gamer, but the DRM in PC games is worse than in a console.
Well, Street Fighter IV and Mortal Kombat are by far the best fighting games I've ever played. They run circles around their predecessors.
Damn hippies.
@Michael Schouman: They had an article like that a couple of days ago.
Yes but any given iPhone owner is less likely to have justin.tv than any other phone user is to have an SD card.