Hmmm, I haven't played with Gnome 3 yet. I can't stand Ubuntu lately. I've been using mostly Mint and Gentoo for the past few years.
Hmmm, I haven't played with Gnome 3 yet. I can't stand Ubuntu lately. I've been using mostly Mint and Gentoo for the past few years.
So you're saying if he had bought an iPhone these crooked cops would have gotten away with this?
I'm still convinced he's the Antichrist.
@js4rmsg: It won't, unless you play on a server running a mod that has instant respawn. Odds are in order to do that the server will have to be unranked though.
@crabperson: Shooters, RPGs and RTSs on PC, all else + exclusives on console.
Peter Molyneux: I have a brilliant idea to get hardcore gamers to buy Kinect: an on rails RPG. It's an RPG without the ability for you to walk around and do what you want!
I think I'm happy with just Aero snap in Windows. Someone should write a compiz plugin that does the same thing. Then I could have it in Linux.
Really? I didn't watch the video, just read the text so I couldn't tell.
It wasn't the meeting Steve Jobs part (I dislike apple and would still be thrilled to meet him), it was how he professed his love for the company Apple. The way I see it, loving a large company is like loving a hooker; they're only in it for your money.
Stretching the window, even if it just shows more blank space, helps me focus a lot. In fact, it helps a lot of people with or without ADD focus on the task at hand and not get distracted.
Either way, I've never been able to run a browser in fullscreen on a Mac but have been doing so in Windows and Linux for years.
@Alan Henry: The problem is less the price and more about what you're getting for it. Yes, Windows usually costs around $100 to upgrade every 2 or 3 years but the changes and new features are usually very substantial. OS X has new versions coming out at the same rate but don't bring that much new to the table.
So wait,
I thought the Vita introduces more unique portable things than the 3DS.
I thought that about Crytek. I hope you're right though.
Honestly, I play far more on my 3DS than my iPhone or tablet. The games are just so much better. iPhone is great if I need something to play for 5 minutes but if I have time to sit down for 10 minutes or more the iPhone just doesn't cut it
Few games seem to get blood spray right. He's stabbing and slicing them and blood is flying everywhere, but none of it is actually landing on the ground, just disappearing into the ether.
Helps in fighting games a lot!
I agree with RedRaptor. In fact, I think the Reach console looks the best. It's what finally got me to ditch my launch unit which, amazingly enough, hasn't red-ringed yet. That must be some kind of record.