@OCEntertainment: I would say notifications in iOS are WORSE than Windows 95.
@OCEntertainment: I would say notifications in iOS are WORSE than Windows 95.
It also had probably the best soundtrack of any game, ever.
@FriedPeeps: That would be $120 a year. More expensive than the current rate.
Streaming my music seems like a waste of bandwidth. I have it right here on my phone, tablet, laptop and desktop. No need to stream it.
You could rotate the camera and drive a car around
Console hardware isn't like a car. It's like a computer. Could you imagine if I was still gaming on a 10 year old PC?
I prefer the "baybots" over the original designs.
Another game that will be useless on my laptop.
@takfar: SimCity 4 is full 3D
SimCity 3000 was the best one. Period.
@KingHippo: It will be released on November 11, same day as Skyrim.
That, and, call me crazy, but I think Gears has better multiplayer than Uncharted. I think in general 360 exclusives have better multiplayer than PS3 exclusives. Probably because Microsoft really wants you to buy that Gold subscription every year.
@bigcamcrsx: Most phones out now have display resolutions pretty close to standard definition.
@mintycrys: It's not like they're making you use it.
@DradusContact: 360 has been on a roll since E3 last year, and got another huge boost with Kinect. PS3 has done pretty well, but 360 has dominated.
@MPLightning: I'm enjoying the slew of exclusives the PS3 is getting this year, but I don't think anything stands a chance against Gears of War 3 when it comes to multiplayer.
@Kurtensen: Unfortunately, most consoles are sold with very little profit margin, or even at a loss, in order to be competitive. They don't make money off consoles, they make it off peripherals and software.
@JoeBushido: The only shooters I know of that take place in NYC are Crysis 2 and MW3.
It sold for $600 last year.
Those graphics are amazing!