
$30 off a $430 refurbished product isn't that great of a deal.

@TheRealDoshu: Dismemberment was in the form of people getting gibbed. Rather than taking someones arm or head off, they simply explode in a fountain of blood and guts like in Quake.

@jared11889: Still looks like shit, and from the sound of things, it's incredibly buggy to boot. Not saying the idea is bad, but they really need to step up the production values before someone would even consider spending money on it, especially $100.

$100. Seriously? Are Japanese people retarded?

@zack10house: I think it would match the old films they're imitating if they cleaned up the dialog.

Good for him. MMO's are overrated.

It's not real until it's installed and running on my computer, with that bust of Duke staring at me from the other side of my desk.

@valkerion7: COD may not be an exclusive title, but the 360 is Activision's lead platform for the title.

@kasakka: It won't drive MBP prices down. Apple knows their market, they don't need to appear competitive price-wise with the competition. If anything, lowering the price to something reasonable would devalue their brand.

@TnOdyssey001: You didn't even mention Fable, which is several steps above several of the IPs you did mention.

So he thinks he can pull random numbers out of the bible and an equation out of his ass and that will tell him when the world is ending?

Shouldn't you already be in heaven? The rapture already happened on Sa- oh wait. That's right. Nothing happened.

I really liked Mafia II.


Sonic Adventure 1, the only good 3D Sonic game to date.

At Gamestop you only save $5 when you buy used. I would just assume buy new.

In the previous games, you could only sleep with one person, and it would happen right before the very end of the game. You had to begin romancing them near the beginning of the game and if you tried romancing more than one person, they would confront you and you would have to choose one of them.

Ah he was using a controller. For a minute there I thought I had missed something.