Hell no! If I wanted to sit down and read for two hours after work, I would have bought a book. I can't stand games that make me read reams of dialog. Hire some damn voice actors!
Hell no! If I wanted to sit down and read for two hours after work, I would have bought a book. I can't stand games that make me read reams of dialog. Hire some damn voice actors!
Are you seriously playing this on a console?
I would rather pay $5 more for a new copy anyways.
@Apresmode: I hate it when a game has some crappy voice actor that can't act.
It plays like every other MMO, which all play like World of Warcraft.
My ratio is lower than that. I'm a chainsaw whore.
That would require too many playthroughs.
Your StarCraft CD key had to be linked with your battle.net account didn't it? I don't know I was too busy playing Quake.
That would be kind of stupid.
@Boopop: Hah!
@MrFluffyThing: Only 4GB of DDR3? What is this? 2008?
@Salen: The trend in big-budget films these days is actually to use more practical effects.
@xGhost4000x: Nexus S or Galaxy S II would be your best bet. Galaxy S II is faster but the Nexus S is the "Google phone" and will pretty much always get the latest version of Android before everyone else.
I can't think of anything to say that won't piss a bunch of people off so I just won't say anything except that it's your choice whether or not Shepard is gay. It's not like they're ramming gay rights down your throat.
@woshiernog: Yes.
While we're at it, why do people watch sports instead of playing them?
@Obi_Al_Kenobi: Online pass has existed in PC games since the nineties, only we called it a CD key and its purpose was copy protection.
@hahn: You can through iTunes, but I hate iTunes.
@Lagi: You can either install apps through the App Store app on the phone itself, or through iTunes while plugged into a computer. You're stuck either browsing apps on a tiny screen or hooking up to iTunes.
@SeiferDINC: It will never fly.